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4. Results and discussionS.BadowskaThe first area of the research was to explore a role of universities and R & D unitsin the regional system of innovation and to specify the types of research conducted byPomeranian scientists which could have been used for innovation.100%80%60%40%20%0%12 1 5 1 15 1212 1Total Medical GdanskUniversity of University ofGdansk Technologyonly education and teachingteaching and research work for themselves1MaritimeAcademy1University ofGdansk41Sea FisheriesInstituteeducation and learning and vocational trainingeducation, teaching and research for industryFig. 1. The role of universities and R&D units for businesses in the scientists’ opinionsAs the survey showed (fig.1) 60% of respondents felt that universities and R&Dunits played a crucial role in education and teaching as well as conducting applied researchfor the industry. 25% of respondents expressed opinions that universities and RD units offered teaching and research work only for their own needs. 10 % of respondentsbelieved that the role of these institutions was education and teaching and onlypreparing students for their future professional careers. Most of Pomeranian scientistswere convinced that their institution should have been fulfilling the “university thirdmission”. The strong belief was observed generally among academic staff of GdanskUniversity of Technology and the Sea Fishery Institute which had been established notonly for teaching by also for conducting applicable research and implementation work.100%80%60%40%20%0%9 317216 1TotalMedicalUniversity ofGdansk5146 4GdanskUniversity ofTechnologyMaritimeAcademy1 42 41 4University ofGdanskSea FishieriesInstitutebasic / fundamental research applied research implementation workFig. 2. Types of research conducted at universities and R&D units in the scientists’ opinionsThe next step of the survey was to clearly identify sorts of research at regional academia.Basing on the outcomes (fig. 2), most academic staff had a strong belief thattheir institutions had been conducting a wide range of scientific research. The mostpopular types of research indicated by respondents were basic/fundamental ones (38%of answers) and applied research (40% of answers). Implementation work were notmentioned frequently, only 21% of this kind of answers. Applied research and imple-119

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