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V. MarcinováIt is difficult to quantify the qualitative essence of human capital. It is also difficultto separate the effects related to the change in human capital from the effects associatedwith changes in other corporate resources. Challenging element is consideration of acausal relationship between variables.Programs designed to improve the utilization of human resources in the companyare mostly directed to the modification of one or more components of company operationsand the people in it. Minimal effect following set of action programs has causeddemand for more complex and richer in content programs, human resource developmentand the overall change in work with human resources in a company. (Snyder,Raben a Farr; 1980) In this context, we would like to explain the terms system andprogram, and the difference between them in terms of this thesis. According to the freeencyclopedia (http://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/) the term program under the economic is agroup of projects with the same area of content, production plan based on the same rawmaterial, ie summary of inputs pursuing one goal. The same source(http://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/) explains the term system as a unit composed of severalparts between which there are links and relationships; elements and phenomena of thesystem and arranged set of direct or indirect relations between them. The above definitionsalso clear sense of this work, which is to understand the actions and projects inthe field of human resources development, which do not have meant to be used alone,or affect other projects in the company, influence each other, but work together to improvebusiness success by streamlining processes in it.Requirements of corporate strategy on the quantity and quality of human resources,at the same time on their development and stabilization in the company are implementedthrough the human resou rces development and stabilization system, applying followingprocessess of human resources management:• Ways of communicating with potential candidates / job seekers on the labor marketin the region,• Selection of planning methods for setup the dynamic organizational structure,• Methods for search and selection of human resources,• Onboarding programs for newstarters during the first months,• Assessment of individual and collective performance of employees and their developmentplanning,• Regular cyclic training,• Defining successors for key positions in the company and planning career developmentof potential managers and talented staff,• Schedule periodic staff rotation,•Exit interviews process,• Applying compensation and benefits programs;• Processing information and data flow about employees,• Programs of health and safety at work,83

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