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S.BadowskaSecondly, tested researchers rarely drew ideas for their studies from business anddidn’t treat companies as potential partners for run mutual cooperation. Scientists werefocused on basic research but most companies expected solving their real problemswhich concerned implementation work (Badowska, 2010). Generally Pomeranian academicstaff got their inspiration to carry out their research work basing on science as aphenomenon in itself. It is worth noticing that conferences, seminars and scientificmeetings, which Polish scientists take regularly part in, are usually devoted to theoreticaldiscussion and literature studies - there are rarely case discussions. The limitednumbers of answers concerned the business suggests strongly that Pomeranian researchershave got narrow knowledge about business problems to be solved. This isrelevant to the outcome of the previous question. Respondents pointed quite rarely thatthey used to do the implementation work. The role of this kind of work is to find asolution for real industrial problems, which seems to be quite uninteresting to study orto be involved in for Pomeranian academic staff.Thirdly, Pomeranian – but probably most of Polish scientists – have limited experiencein being employees of any company. It could have led to the lack of scientists’understanding of business functioning. In such a terms researchers had not got an occasionto understand how business had been run, how and why the enterprise had existedon the markets, what procedures and principles had been applied in companies. Formost of researchers the inner functioning of business is still terra incognita. Most ofPolish scientists start their professional careers just after graduating from universities.The majority of them haven’t got any employment agreements, some of them havenever been in any company at all during their careers. It influences the lack of commonlanguage with business and understanding its perspective. Scientists pointed that companieshadn’t understood them but also the same researchers highlighted that their scientificoffer had been too poor for implementing on the market. They hadn’t beenaware of real technological needs. Most the barriers are results of research policy atuniversities and R&D institutions. Commonly, Polish scientists are not evaluated bybusiness approach, but mainly by conducting research and number of publications andcollected points in the process of research work. Most of universities do not expect thattheir academic staff will spend their professional work for solving business and industryproblems. Themes of research are usually selected by researchers basing on theindividual interests of academics, rarely come directly from industry. This is the reasonfor limited ability to adapt the solutions to business and research offer has no chancefor success. A gap between both sides is so huge that scientists feel that companies donot understand how their organizations just function and companies are confident thatscience is out of real life. Business perspective is focused on timing and efficiency, theacademic one is much more orientated to research per se.Summarizing, there was observed a huge gap between academia and business especiallyin the terms of expectations. Scientists are convinced that the outcomes of theirwork have limited ability to adapt solutions to business in the aspect of product innova-127

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