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T. KurbanowFig. 8. Services and software for private communication.The third group of questions considered sharing of information and creation ofonline resources. To the question "Have you ever published online any of the contentyou personally created (e.g. compositions, reports, project results, presentations inPowerPoint, research papers, thesis, articles, photographs, videos, etc.)?" the answersdiffered considerably between the subgroups of students and teachers. 6 teacherrespondents(86%) and 2 student-respondents on the Master's programme (18%) reported,the academic content they created happened to have appeared online independentlyfrom their intentions: e.g. the placement of the Master's thesis or the doctoratedissertation on the online database was a demand of their formal learning institution.Moreover, 6 teacher-respondents (86%) had publications in online scientific journals.The answers of the rest of the student-respondents to this question were negative.In contrast, when asked about circulating among friends any content for entertainment,all student-respondents (100%) and 3 teacher-respondents (43%) answered positively:they regularly and actively send friends personal photos, videos, links to films, music,games; or they placed such content on their personal page on Facebook so that theirfriends or colleagues could access it. As for informal learning, 3 student-respondents(27%) and 3 teacher-respondents (43%) reported to forward relevant content (educationalfilms, articles, academic books in pdf-format, information about courses, conferencesor workshops, etc.), which from their point of view could interest their costudents/co-workers. Graph 4 shows the way the student- and teacher-respondentsshare the information online and contribute to creation of online content, concerningtheir formal learning/ work, informal learning, and leisure activities.73

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