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A. Richert-KaźmierskaEntrepreneurial training - standardsCourse content: The concept of entrepreneurship. Types of entrepreneurship and<strong>entrepreneurial</strong> organizations. Entrepreneur, internal entrepreneurship, externalentrepreneurship. Traits of an enterprising person. Entrepreneurial orientation.Entrepreneurship as a process. Identification and evaluation of <strong>entrepreneurial</strong>opportunities. The risk and ways to deal with it. Planning projects. Provision ofresources and the implementation of an <strong>entrepreneurial</strong> plan. Infrastructure tosupport entrepreneurship. International entrepreneurship.Learning outcomes – skills and competences: understanding the importance ofentrepreneurship in management; formulating and implementing <strong>entrepreneurial</strong>In view of the fact that as of the academic year 2011/2012* 3 the classes in Entrepreneurshipare attended by students who for the most part already participate in thelabour market (as workers, the self-employed or entrepreneurs)* 4, it was decided thatthe primary objective of the course is the development of <strong>entrepreneurial</strong> skills,including <strong>entrepreneurial</strong> thinking and solving problems, working in teams, aswell as designing and implementing of innovative projects.Achievement of so defined objective required modification of existing methodsand forms of teaching. As far as the lecture part is concerned, a conventional lecture isreplaced by a conversatorial one. In addition, at least two of the 15 lectures are conductedby invited guest practitioners. The speakers who have so far met with studentsduring the lecture classes of Enterpreneurship included the counselors from the ProvincialLabour Office in Gdańsk, representatives of the Pomeranian Science and TechnologyPark, as well as entrepreneurs representing local business. In the practice partthe activating forms were introduced, shaping the students' teamwork skills, as well astheir capability of <strong>entrepreneurial</strong> thinking and action. A set of working methods usedduring the Entrepreneurship classes was shown in Figure 5.* Before changing the curriculum of Management studies in 2011, the classes were conducted during thefifth semester of the graduate studies.* This applies to both full-time and part-time students.27

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