Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library

Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library

Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library


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[Xeftt of,t"". Respiratorv... standstill117, 1 ~pHl210'"fr-..."f11JiJ1lppt6rtJITttfiaIItlttionpoltnfiIJ/.s in EeGE*11M\,~ r.. 37·C,\ pHA-imlor~ ~ '~sfiIItJf• 6.40\\\,69,76~,l I-.-....- -I1etut tr:'tWR" ""t- 430 405 JIK) "60 30 ominoto 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 " 13 14 15mint ..~pH·5,87finilimum)Fig. 108 Recording of the pH incerebral cortex of a rat in the pre-fiand final stage of prolonged etheranesthesia at a normal blood glucoselewl. Result: a spontaneous, rapiddrop of cerebral pH leads to exituslethalis within ~ 6 min(eg. flI19iTapet:lrrir)~myrxrutIitr irfurctJ1ysoso11KJ/ qloIytic t:IKtincytolySismJt'lion1KJI1-anl/uenftrunsitiontrJI1f1uent Q/'eosmimi •I'/flllalt:rJrtrr' smtlll-focus necroses Il11it:rocJrculotionrlisturbedififlfJisfatJe i tfJ/1 -f:&N,focliS t.crosis tlifh Copi rtJr.l doma~.....--.........,.......---~I1 10 10 2 10 3 '2,0' 10 5 10 6 10 7 'n:Iir l'tIs6.----..,....L.----r-.L-----r-...L---..,......L----r-...L---r-~-~..:i....:;£=:::.;:=-=.::::..imasinrJo'inhib Hail 'Y'T4 b;::---+----+----+----+----+------l-------l-------l---~~2 :::-+-----+-----+-------+-------+-------+-~ ~ fCfivtIiionol71---+----+-+--"----"'Il~~~~--+_----+---__l__-----+-____l 'I:Y::f1:~p1 1 ~--+---+-----+---+--6~--+----+---+---+---+--=-,~---+----+---+---+---+---+--'6 L---~J,.o.--~....--~.-----:+-.,...---+,---,.J.,O--....,,~OO---,00...L.-O",,-...J..Fig. 109 Guidelines for the dependency of the tissue pH on the size of volume V with total 02 deficiency. Meurements on cancer micro-metastases as models for glycolyzing tissue, with glass micro-electrodes under CMT cditions [2, 191]; V ~ volume with 02 utilization deficit•solid line in Fig. 109. We must allow for a normalblood glucose concentration for ourproblem (except for badly stabilized diabetic,ee below). Different fermentation capacity andupply ituation of the cell a well a oth rm tabolic exchange rate con tant are al 0

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