Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library

Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library

Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library


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main coronary resselsr/'!1tf!1rideleftYiiitriclestate ofterlorge-areanecrosIs withobstructed,partlVlysed capJllariesand. arterioleslarger and medium vesselbranches l'Iitl1 free fll!Ssage(no (ysis throughdiolfl relJet/on).Fig. 88 Large-area necrosis and dama ge to blood capillaries. Postmortem coronarography of a myocardiac infarctin the peak area of the left ventricle, according to Baroldi. In the volume of the large-area necrosis the capillariesand finer arterioles are occluded, and partially lysed. The functional elimination of the finest vessels is the finalconsequence of a longer-lasting deficit in 02 utilization in a greater volume of tissuecharacteristic case. A middle-aged patientcomes to us in Dresden soon after a myocardiacinfarction, in order to undergo 02MT. On theday of his arrival his P0 2 - art is low, and he canonly climb to the second floor of his 13-storeyhotel, as severe anginal complaints prevent himfrom climbing further. After just three sessions,each of 4 h, this movement disability disappears,and the patient climbs all 13 storeys ofhis hotel without any anginal complaints (nosigns of decompensation). Due to the "initialmobilization" he is now able to undertakeregularly the obligatory exercise training of our36 h 02MT procedure between the ession . Atthe end of the cure, and even week afterwardan increase in his P02-art of around 20 mmHgis measured. Afterwards the patient repeat hiclimb to the 13th storey of his hotel twi emore without complaints. The de ribed effe tof the 02MT procedure on th lung-heartsystem is not only of significance for r habilitationafter myocardial infarction, but hould beused generally for rehabilitation after illnv~~,v~.operations, accid nt and other h alth ri

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