Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library

Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library

Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library


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~LFig. 115 Electron micrograph of hypertrophic myocardium; O 2 deficiency in parts of the intercapillary space,high density of Iysosomes L in this specimen [197]the site of the greatest capillary distances. TheO 2 metabolism of the myocardiac cells isthereby unsaturated (supply deficiency), andthere finally follows the sudden change of themetabolism of the myocardiac cells to fermentation(lactic acid formation) at P02 ~ 3.5mmHg (0.46 kPa). The spontaneous lysosomeformation evidently begins as soon as the cell isonly deficiently supplied with 02, and gl _colysis looms [199]. Thi should be een aprocess occurring in the living organi m hi hdeserve great attention due to it pr babIuniver al character.By Iy 0 ome formation and b thchange to ferm ntation m tab Ii mstrong pH reduction a a r uIt, aturudd nithm

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