Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library

Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library

Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library


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logical foundationsu .on in the optical reactiongr t help to the followingn pilot;d r car-drivers approaching the limit ofth ir fitness to drive;3. -drivers who are easily fatigued or whohave to undertake long journeys;. car~vers with circulatory lability;5. racing drivers.It is known that the continually eoeate4mentary process in driving a CIIr co .visual perception of the current road a aconditions which - delayed by t e "op .response time" - triggers meaningf conreactions (steering processes, braking dcelerating processes etc.). The shorter the .dividual, momentarily existing optical respotime, the more able the driver is to avoidcritical traffic situations and accidents, or tominimize the danger of human life as wellmaterial damage in occurring accidents.1.1. Esta lishing and influencing the "biological" ageI~ order to establish the "biological" age, theVltal parameters of test subjects are determinedusing a procedure inaugurated by Pagelt andRoth and further developed by Ries [64] andPathig [65, 66], showing significant age-dependentchanges. The individual results in each caseare mathematically processed in the "Geromatdevice" (producer: Halberstadt District Hospital,GDR), and the result presented as the biologicalindex. Six different parameters are includedin the test: the measurement of theoptical reaction time to a light stimulus and apointer deflection; the measurement of theacoustic reaction time to a tone of a certainfrequency and intensity; the recording of visualmotoriccapacities; tapping test; search test inaccordance with Millner etc.In a pilot study with this device and other givenmethods, the following results were obtained involunteers who had ensured a good O 2 statusby means of02MTalmost uninterruptedly overa period of 15 years, showing a significant reductionin the "biological" age by oxygenmultistep therapy:No.SexChronologicalage (yr)Resting P02-art(mmHg)measured expectedMethod of determination(vitalparameters)Biologicalage (Yr)12mf797069('1 ~ 22%)72('1 ~ 23%)84('1 ~ 50%)82('1 ~ 40 %)Ries-PothingGeromat system(> 6 parameters)Quality of thevascular systemP02- art at rest;measured vs.expectedSkin elasticityRies-PothingGeromat system(> 6 parameters)Quality of thevascular systemP02-art at rest;measured vs.expected6450Q= 0.017640554740Q = 0.02141Skin elasticity4Ser factor which could in future contrib­. ificantly to the determining of the bioith determining of the va cular

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