Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library

Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library

Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library


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serert~ hyperoxia pure 0 } .distressstart " l Oz-I1TquICkprocedure~t---+-oI strom, SOWatlmmHg r----r-----,r----...,- - - - ----:pu::':I.'i: st:o:::;r,'::96;"1L~,~- ...-fJ..-::---"":"'- k Pa80 t----+-----l WtflK slrtssreocIJon ------+----~,v.:!pulst 60 of P, ,7570......-- - _.J~f_ _JUISt"-__-J551l=44%(!) ~ = 13 % (only) "1=39 =50%50~~~------J---+-+8155 Great drop in Fast remoYOl of50 the peripheral consequence of 7POz-1M ,at rest, tr--t----+---I.----~---l~distress by means ofPOz -'5 bymeansof1he .~ SOWott-15min exef'C'OiMTregene· f tTainingt15min ,01--t measurement•10txpttled !erel oflilt9.... POz-trf latmt,for 7Syears5rotlon procedu· ~ nighttime inhalation (251 O~min)40 re + dail~ 1x {:? - Ipec/onnina! comn!oinls ----\4---.......;;....-~1_4~ ex,tded !ere! oftilt.Oxygenabund ~ ~ ._! " , d D35 ~~J. diarrhea I nausea P"'r~ 5 mlxe rOz-ren~ (circulatory disorders) fJ.. l"q/30 1-----+--_,_'1 ~ , __--+ ~~-I'l!'~ ,0/'to.r?,25 '----.........- __..L...-__....J l0L,.!_--"__".L.1_--"_....:...12:;.L,o:...'c:..:./o:.;c::.;.k.... ,__1st day 2nd day 3rd day-'thday(normal) (normal) (dlsfrtss)Fig. 62 The critical increase in the venous Po6th day (roughly the somePaz -Imls on lilt 53rd doy)Lasting P Orren effect!at rest (drop in 71) as a consequence of circulatory disorders aftersevere distress and the immediate reversal of t~is critical condition by means of the 15 min 'V 2 MT quick procedure.Bioenergetically controlled switching processes of the microcirculation, of a negative (distress) and positive (quickprocedure) kind. Male, 75 years85mmHg807570651;;Po 50'2 4-5-bed restI flu - infection I at times 39.5°[fererJI7/,,23%o23~ hyperoxia ,pure 0 2 }start . 7 Oz /1Tquick procedureI I I strom 100Watt~i::- - - I Po _~ -:air;;t -.;..-:..-- kPaI ,-..-- --~--l'SS h!0C/; - - ~ J r--.'10hotpO. - - --- --- 11JII~'ort- -130// - 30%- ~"n I \5rtactiOn I 1 Istr eS -+I, 40 ~ strong I II I .peripheral POrren I at rest353025i-t-l-\29% 29%-f- 47% 8Measurement programt ..55678-16 day+-- expected. levelutthe POz-tTt Iat rest,for 32 years10976-I'i- -L -,,=410 1lo'clock--- --- -expected Itrelof the mixed.POz-Fig.63 Fast rehabilitation after a 'flu infection by means of the 15 min 02MT quick procedure. Pronounced increasein venous Po (critically reduced 71 level caused by 'flu infection! Significant drop in venous P0 2; very high71 level) caused by 8 2 MT quick procedure. Lasting effect1 Bicycle ergometer (home trainer with watt display)2 It should be remembered that the P 02measurement from the arm usually gives som what unfavorable (toohigh) values. According to our experienvce.r, the value of 71' k f should b 15:-16% In this case3 Empirical value for 32 years of age

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