Dissertation - Michael Becker

Dissertation - Michael Becker

Dissertation - Michael Becker

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(86)xalon MASC + {im MASC , ot FEM } LOCAL(o) φ-MATCHa. xalon-ím *!b. ☞ xalon-ót *The constraints that enforce [o]-licensing are defined below (87-88). The constraintsare modeled after Hayes & Londe (2006), who find a similar case of exceptional action at adistance in Hungarian vowel harmony. See §3.4.4 below for a discussion of other possibledefinitions of the constraints.(87) LOCAL(o)An [o] must be licensed by virtue of being stressed, or by virtue of being autosegmentallyassociated to a stressed [o] in an adjacent syllable.(88) DISTAL(o)An [o] must be licensed by virtue of being stressed, or by virtue of being autosegmentallyassociated to some stressed [o].When the root [o] is farther away from the stressed syllable, LOCAL(o) is not satisfiedwith either plural affix, but DISTAL(o) prefers that the [o] be licensed across the interveningvowel. In (89), DISTAL(o) outranks φ-MATCH, and LOCAL(o) is unranked with respect toeither of the other two constraints.(89)olam MASC + {im MASC , ot FEM } DISTAL(o) LOCAL(o) φ-MATCHa. olam-ím *! *b. ☞ olam-ót * *94

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