Dissertation - Michael Becker

Dissertation - Michael Becker

Dissertation - Michael Becker

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one tested. Each hypothesis in turn is tested (177g) by letting the hypothesized UR’s map tothe observed forms, augmented by losers that are supplied by the analyst. If the hypothesisis not successful, presumably because it gave rise to harmonically bounded winners, thelearner tries to enrich the current hypothesis with floating features before abandoning it(177g-v). 12(177) Support Preparation, the search for UR’sa. Given B, a set of well-formed surface forms, or bases,b. and given an affix a that can combine with any form in B to make a wellformedsurface form [b-a],c. For every b ∈ B, /b/ := [b].d. A := ∅ (a set of hypotheses about /a/)e. For every b, find all the segments that are in [b-a] but not in [b]. Add thesesegments as an element of A.f. P := a stratified hierarchy of hypotheses about /a/, such that the n th stratumin P , P n = {p ∈ P(A) : |p| = n}g. For each stratum P n ∈ P , starting with n = 1,For each element /a/ in P n ,i. Make a Support S,ii.iii.For each element in b ∈ B, designate /b-a/ as the UR of [b-a]Supply loser(s) as necessary, and add winner-loser pair(s) to Siv. Run the Cloning RCD on S.v. If RCD finds a consistent grammar, adopt /a/ and stop. Otherwise, findthe harmonically bounded winners in S, and if they are assessed L’s by12 It is not known what the learner should do if a multi-string hypothesis needs to be enriched with floatingfeatures. Are the floating features added to each of the strings, or only to some strings? Further research isrequired on this point.184

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