Dissertation - Michael Becker

Dissertation - Michael Becker

Dissertation - Michael Becker

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(49) CVÙ CVCVÙ TotalFaithful 18 44 62Alternating 3 96 99Total 21 140 161Given both mono-syllabic and poly-syllabic nouns that do and do not alternate, as in(50), the learner can successfully separate mono-syllabic roots from poly-syllablic ones bycloning the specific IDENT(voice) σ1 first.(50)IDENT IDENT σ1 *VÙVa. saÙ-ı ≻ saÃ-ı W W Lb. taÃ-ı ≻ taÙ-ı L L Wc. anaÙ-ı ≻ anaÃ-ı W Ld. amaÃ-ı ≻ amaÙ-ı L WIDENT(voice) σ1 can be identified as more specific than IDENT(voice) by examining thenumber of W’s and L’s in each column, since the more specific constraint will necessarilyassign a subset of the W’s and L’s that the general constraint assigns. The result of cloningIDENT(voice) σ1 is in (51). Since only mono-syllabic stems are assigned W’s or L’s byIDENT(voice) σ1 , only mono-syllables get listed by clones at this point.53

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