Dissertation - Michael Becker

Dissertation - Michael Becker

Dissertation - Michael Becker

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The cloning of IDENT(voice), and the listing of lexical items with its clones, divided thelexicon into three partitions: One partition contains the items listed with the high-rankingclone of IDENT(voice), another partition contains the items listed with the low-rankingclone of IDENT(voice), and a third partition contains all the lexical items that are not listedwith either clone. These partitions are not arbitrary, but rather determined by the the markthat IDENT(voice) assigns to each winner-loser pair: W, L, or none.Once a constraint is cloned, its clones accumulate lists of the stems they apply to. Thisapproach allows for two sub-grammars to coexist in a language, while keeping track of thenumber of lexical items that belong to each sub-grammar. Since the number of lexical itemsof each kind becomes available in the grammar, the speaker can estimate the likelihood ofeach behavior.The rest of this section shows how constraint cloning creates a grammar of Turkish thatreflects speakers’ knowledge of the lexicon, as determined by the experimental findings in§ The place effectAs discussed in §2.2, all stops are not equally likely to alternate: While the stops in mostÙ -final and p-final nouns alternate, the stops in most t-final nouns do not. The table in (42),repeated from (20) above, lists the numbers of alternating and non-alternating (faithful)paradigms by the place of articulation of the final stop, as found in TELL (Inkelas et al.2000).(42) Place Alternating Faithful Total % alternatingp 247 47 294 84%t 214 1041 1255 17%Ù 117 74 191 61%k 1071 191 1262 85%47

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