Dissertation - Michael Becker

Dissertation - Michael Becker

Dissertation - Michael Becker

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To summarize, the Korean case shows that assuming the bare form of the noun as theunderlying representation of the root and assuming only segments as the underlying formof the affix might not be enough in every situation. When learning the lexical trends for theaccusative forms, for instance, the Korean learner will discover that their language requiresparadigms that change the feature [anterior]. If they proceed to add a floating [−anterior]to the underlying representation of the accusative suffix, they can learn the full range ofbehaviors seen in the accusative. The learner will have to make a similar move with thedative suffix, which requires assibilation in the absence of a high vowel; the learner canderive the full range of observed paradigms and also learn the lexical trends involved byadding a floating [−continuant] feature to the underlying form of the suffix.Speakers can learn lexical trends so long as hidden structure is not buried in the underlyingrepresentation of roots. Adding hidden structure to the underlying representationof affixes does not present a danger so long as the affixes themselves are not proliferated.Compare the single representation of the accusative suffix in (192), which allows the learnerto identify the full range of lexical trends, with the unfortunate proliferation of affixes in(182), which leaves the learner with an incomplete account of the trends in their language.4.4.3 Interim summary: Generalizing across affixesIn the approach to linguistic analysis that I present here, learners find lexical trends intheir language, and build those trends into their grammar. In order to find lexical trends,learners must assume the bare forms of roots as their underlying representations and assumethat affixes are only composed of segments. If the paradigms involved contain hiddenstructure, it will not be trapped in the underlying representations of the roots and affixes,and will therefore become available to the grammar.If the speaker discovers that they cannot account for all the derived forms that theyare exposed to, because some intended winners are harmonically bounded, they will tryto make any required features float in the underlying representation of the relevant affix.204

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