Dissertation - Michael Becker

Dissertation - Michael Becker

Dissertation - Michael Becker

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(29) Coefficient SE Wald z p(y>=vacillator) −3.502 0.745 −4.70 >0.001(y>=alternating) −3.822 0.746 −5.13 >0.001COR −0.102 0.976 −0.10 0.917LAB 2.201 0.954 2.31 0.021PAL 1.249 0.950 1.31 0.189CVCC 0.783 0.869 0.90 0.367CVCVC 5.488 0.735 7.47 0.000high 0.874 0.205 4.27 0.000back 0.288 0.204 1.41 0.158CVCC * COR 0.703 1.102 0.64 0.523CVCC * LAB 2.022 1.157 1.75 0.081CVCC * PAL 1.269 1.129 1.12 0.261CVCVC * COR −4.011 0.959 −4.18 >0.001CVCVC * LAB −1.737 0.901 −1.93 0.054CVCVC * PAL −3.110 0.919 −3.38 0.001COR * high 0.620 0.254 2.45 0.014LAB * high 0.533 0.539 0.99 0.323PAL * high −0.754 0.387 −1.95 0.051COR * back 0.077 0.254 0.30 0.762LAB * back −0.755 0.490 −1.54 0.123PAL * back 1.136 0.386 2.95 0.003To summarize the study of the Turkish lexicon, it was found that both size and placeare excellent predictors of the alternation status of nouns. Larger nouns are more likely toalternate, and coronal-final nouns are less likely to alternate. In addition, the height and31

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