Dissertation - Michael Becker

Dissertation - Michael Becker

Dissertation - Michael Becker

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c. /at + I/ → [at-1]/tat + [+voice] I/→ [tad-1]d. Each allomorph of the possessive lists the roots it takes:/I/ takes /at/, /ot/, /sepet/, .../[+voice] I/ takes /tat/, /kanat/, ...Assuming that the floating [+voice] is protected by MAX(float), as in Wolf (2007),then the single constraint ranking MAX(float) ≫ IDENT(voice) will derive all the wordsof the language.In this scenario, either each root would be marked for the affix ittakes, or equivalently, each affix will be marked for the roots it takes.The grammarwould be consistent: Faithfulness to underlying [voice] specification would outrank *VtV,and faithfulness to floating features will be ranked higher than simple faithfulness. Thisscenario makes a slight improvement over the attribution of voicing information to roots:Since roots will be listed with two different affixes, the learner will have information abouthow many roots there are of each kind, and thus learn a lexical trend. However, roots ofall sizes and of all final stops will be listed by the same two allomorphs of the possessivesuffix, preventing the Turkish learner from identifying the trends for each place and sizeseparately. Encoding hidden structure by proliferating affix allomorphs, then, does notallow the learner to discover the full range of trends in their language. In principle, thelearner could assign allomorphs of the possessive suffix for nouns of different sizes andfinal stops, but there would be no reason for them to do that, since simply stipulating twoallomorphs would be enough to make the grammar consistent.Since encoding the hidden behavior of lexical items in the underlying representationsof either roots or suffixes leaves the learner with no way or reason to identify lexical trends,encoding such behavior in the grammar is left as the only logical option. Capturing hiddenbehavior in terms of cloned constraints ensures that lexical trends are identified in terms ofconstraints, i.e. it ensures that trends are captured in phonological terms, using the variety195

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