Dissertation - Michael Becker

Dissertation - Michael Becker

Dissertation - Michael Becker

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vowel, namely *RpV, *RtV, *RÙV, and *RkV. This formulation of the constraints collapsesthe distinction between the nasal sonorants {m, n} and the oral sonorants {l, ń, r, y}, whichmight be an over-simplification. In the lexicon, stops are more likely to alternate followingnasals than following oral sonorants (47.6% vs. 29.3%), a tendency that was also found inthe experimental results (49.0% vs. 39.6%).The behavior of alternating and non-alternating Ù -final nouns with final complex codasis shown in (58). The markedness constraint *RÙV prefers alternation, while the familiarIDENT(voice) and IDENT(voice) σ1 prefer a faithfully voiceless root-final stop.(58)IDENT IDENT σ1 *RÙVa. gönÙ-ü ≻ gönÃ-ü W W Lb. genÃ-i ≻ genÙ-i L L Wc. gülünÙ-ü ≻ gülünÃ-ü W Ld. güvenÃ-i ≻ güvenÙ-i L WWith different markedness constraints regulating voicing alternations in nouns withsimplex codas and complex codas, the learner can easily partition the lexicon by thecomplexity of the final coda. Adding the nouns with complex codas in (58) to the grammarin (57) gives rise to the more complete grammar in (59).(59) IDENT(voice) σ1〈*VÙV, saÙ〉〈*VtV, at〉〈*RÙV, gönÙ〉≫ IDENT(voice) 〈*VÙV, anaÙ〉〈*VtV, sepet〉〈*RÙV, gülünÙ〉≫ *RÙV, *VÙV, *VtV ≫IDENT(voice) σ1〈*VÙV, taÙ〉 , IDENT(voice) 〈*VÙV, amaÙ〉〈*VtV, tat〉〈*VtV, kanat〉〈*RÙV, genÙ〉〈*RÙV, güvenÙ〉60

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