Dissertation - Michael Becker

Dissertation - Michael Becker

Dissertation - Michael Becker

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*VÙV and ONSET below IDENT(voice) σ1 . The resulting grammar is IDENT(voice) σ1 ≫*VÙV, ONSET.RCD is described formally in (159). It starts with a Support, and finds all the constraintsthat are ready to install (159a). It finds the winner-loser pairs that these constraints assigna W to, removes these winner-loser pairs from the Support (159b-i), adds these constraintsto the developing constraint hierarchy (159b-ii), and removes these constraints from theSupport (159b-iii). Once the Support is empty, any remaining constraints are added to thehierarchy, and RCD is done.(159) RCD Algorithm (after Tesar & Smolensky 1998, 2000)Given a Support S,Given a set of constraints in S, not-yet-ranked constraints,H := a new constraint hierarchy.While S is not empty, repeat:a. current-stratum := all the constraints in not-yet-ranked constraints that haveat least one W and no L’s in their column in Sb. If current-stratum ≠ ∅,i. remove winner-loser pairs that are assigned a W by any constraint incurrent-stratum.ii.iii.put current-stratum as the next stratum in H, andremove current-stratum from not-yet-ranked constraintsPut not-yet-ranked constraints as the next stratum in H.Return H.RCD is guaranteed to find a ranking of the constraints in a given Support if the data inthe Support was created from some ranking of the constraints (Tesar & Smolensky 2000,p. 109). If, however, the language data does not come from a single ranking, RCD is notguaranteed to find a ranking. This is shown with the fragment of Turkish in (160), where164

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