Dissertation - Michael Becker

Dissertation - Michael Becker

Dissertation - Michael Becker

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Tesar, Bruce (1998). Using the mutual inconsistency of structural descriptions to overcomeambiguity in language learning. In P. Tamanji & K. Kusumoto (eds.) Proceedings ofNELS 28. Amherst, MA: GLSA, 469–483.Tesar, Bruce (2004). Contrast analysis in phonological learning. ROA 695.Tesar, Bruce (2006). Learning from paradigmatic information. In Proceedings of NELS 36.Tesar, Bruce, John Alderete, Graham Horwood, Nazarré Merchant, Koichi Nishitani &Alan Prince (2003). Surgery in language learning. In G. Garding & M. Tsujimura (eds.)Proceedings of WCCFL 22, Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. 477–490.Tesar, Bruce & Alan Prince (2006). Using phonotactics to learn phonological alternations.In CLS 39. Available as ROA-620.Tesar, Bruce & Paul Smolensky (1998). Learnability in optimality theory. LinguisticInquiry 29. 229–268.Tesar, Bruce & Paul Smolensky (2000). Learnability in Optimality Theory. Cambridge,MA: MIT Press.Tessier, Anne-Michelle (2007). Biases and stages in phonological acquisition. Ph.D.dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.Tessier, Anne-Michelle (2008). Children’s exceptional words: Lexical challenges fromthe time-course of L1 phonological acquisition. Talk given at the University of WesternOntario.Trommer, Jochen (2008). Syllable-counting allomorphy by indexed constraints. Talk givenat OCP 5.Ussishkin, Adam (2000). The Emergence of Fixed Prosody. Ph.D. dissertation, UC SantaCruz.van der Hulst, Harry (1985). Ambisyllabicity in dutch. In Hans Bennis & Frits Beukema(eds.) Linguistics in the Netherlands 1985, Dordrecht: Foris. 57–66.Volatis, Lydia & Joanne Miller (1992). Phonetic prototypes: Influence of place ofarticulation and speaking rate on the internal structure of voicing categories. J. AcousticSoc. Am. 92.2. 723–735.Walker, Rachel (2006). Long-distance metaphony: A generalized licensing proposal. Talkgiven at the PhonologyFest Workshop, Indiana University.Wells, John Christopher (1982). Accents of English, vol. 2. Cambridge University Press.Wolf, Matthew (2007). For an autosegmental theory of mutation. In Leah Bateman,<strong>Michael</strong> O’Keefe, Ehren Reilly & Adam Werle (eds.) UMOP 32: Papers in OptimalityTheory III, Amherst, MA: GLSA. 315–404.236

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