The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...

The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...

The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...


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Communitles-Salix glauca/Arcfosfaphylos rubra-Vaccinium uliginosum-Arcfagrosfislatifolia (Hettinger and Janz 1974). Salix glauca/Dryas octopefala-Betula nana(Hettinger and Janz 1974). SalixglaucaPetasites frigidus (Churchill 1955). Salkglauca/Dryas ocfopetala (Webber and others 1978). Salix glauca/S. reticulafa-Carexpodocarpa-Artemisia arcfica (Scott 1974a). Salix glauca/Arctostaphylos rubra-Dryasoctopetala-Salix reticulafa-Oxytropis deflexa (Scott 1974a). Salix glauca-S. planifolia-S. lanafa/€quisefurn awense (Craighead and others 1988). Salix lanata-S. glauca/Dryas integrifolia (Komarkova and Webber 1978). Salix lanafaEquisefurn awense(Craighead and others 1988, Webber and others 1978). Salix planifolidS. rotundifolia-S. phlebophylla-Pefasifes frigidus-Poa arcfica-Luzula confusa (Clebsch 1957). Salixplanifolia-S. lanafa/Calarnagrosfis canadensis (Craighead and others 1988). Salixplanifolia-S. lanata-Myrica gale/Calamagrostis canadensis (Craighead and others1988). Salixglauca/Arctostaphylos alpina (Webber and others 1978). Salix glauca/Hylocorniurn splendens (Jorgenson 1984). Salix planifoliaPefasifes frigidus-Sphagnum spp. (Jorgenson 1984). Salix planifolialBetula glandulosa-Vacciniumuliginosurn (Brock and Burke 1980).ll.C.2.h. Open Low Willow-Sedge Shrub TundraDescription-<strong>The</strong>se communities have 25 to 75 percent cover of shrubs, primarilywillows, at least 20 centimeters (8 in) high (fig. 48). Shrubs taller than 1.5 meters(5 11) provide less than 25 percent cover and tree canopy cover is less than 10 percent.Salix planifolia or S. lanafa most commonly dominate these communities.<strong>The</strong>se often are quite low, 20 to 50 centimeters (8 to 20 in) tall. Carex aquatilistypically dominates the understory, though other sedges, such as C. vaginafa andC. bigelowii, are sometimes dominant. Other vascular plants commonly presentinclude Salix arch and S. reticulata. Nonsphagnaceous mosses, commonly includingTomenfhypnurn nitens, Disfichiurn capillaceum, Drepanocladus spp., andCampyliurn sfellaturn, often are abundant. Lichens are scarce.Distribution and site characteristics-Willow-sedge tundra occurs on terraces,pond margins, streambanks, low-center polygons, drained lake basins, and sometimesstrangmoor strang in northern and western <strong>Alaska</strong>. It also may occur on moistalpine slopes in interior <strong>Alaska</strong> but has not been reported from there. Soils arepoorly drained, usually more poorly drained than shrub-tussock tundra. Permafrostis present; reported active layer thicknesses range from 60 to 75 centimeters (24 to30 in), but some northern stands may have permafrost at shallower depths.Figure 484pen low willow sedge-shrubtundra with Salixplanibl!a subsp. pulchraand scattered Beiula nana and Carex spp.between the shrub clumps in arctic <strong>Alaska</strong>.139

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