The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...

The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...

The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...


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ugosum (Hettinger and Janz 1974). Dryas octopetala-Carex microchaeta (Webberand others 1978). Dryas octopefala-Carex misandfa-C. bigelowii (Hanson 1951).Dryas octopefala-Carex glacialis (Gjaerevoll 1954). Dryas octopefala-Carexnardina-C. vaginafa-lichens (George and others 1977). Dryas infegrifolia-Carexscirpoidea-Kobresia simpliciuscula (Koranda 1960). Dryas octopetala-Salixreticulata-Carex bigelowii(Hanson 1950, Viereck 1963). Dryas octopefala-Salixfeficulafa-Carex podocarpa (Scott 1974a). Dryas integrifolia-Carex scirpoidea(Drew and Shanks 1965, Hettinger and Janz 1974). Dryas infegrifolia-Carexbigelowii (Craighead and others 1988, Jorgenson 1984). Dryas integrifolia-Oxvrropisnigrescens-Carex rupestris (Koranda 1960, Webber and Walker 1975). Dryasintegrifolia-Carexspp. (Craighead and others 1988). Dryas integrifolia-Eriophorumscheuchzeri-Tomenthypnum nitens (Jorgenson 1984).1I.D.T.c. Dryas-Lichen Dwarf Shrub TundraDescription-<strong>The</strong>se communities are codominated by dryas and fruticoselichens (fig. 54). Common lichens include Alecforia spp., Cetraria spp. (especiallyC. cucullafa), Cladina spp., and Thamnolia vermicularis. Mosses, includingTomenthypnum nitens, Rhacomitrium spp. and Polytrichum spp., may grow intertwinedwith the dryas mat. Dwarf shrubs other than dryas may be present, commonlySalix reticulata, s. phlebophylla, Empefrum nigrum, Arctostaphylos spp., and otherericaceous shrubs. Graminoids such as Fesfuca spp., Hierochloe; a$ina, and Carexspp. may be present. Broad-leaved herbs, including Oxyfropis nigrescens, Minuarfiaspp. and Saxifraga spp., may be common. Trees are absent and shrubs taller than20 centimeters (8 in) (as well as shrub species normally growing taller than 20 centimeters[8 in], such as Betula spp., Salix glauca, and S. brachycarpa) are absent orprovide less than 25 percent cover. Plant cover ranges from 2 to 100 percent. Asubstantial amount of the total cover is contributed by fruticose lichens.Figure 54-Dryas-lichen tundra with scattered mats ofDryas ocloperaia, a wide variety of other subshrubs andherbs, including Oxyiropis nigrescens, Minuania arcria,Silene acaulis, Geum giaciaie. and Porenrilla biflora; andan open cover of lichens, especially Alecroria spp.,Cetraria spp., and Cladonia spp. in arctic <strong>Alaska</strong>149

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