The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...

The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...

The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...


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ReferencesWhile preparing the <strong>Alaska</strong> vegetation classification, we compiled a complete bibliographyof published and unpublished papers and reports related to all aspects ofvegetation classification, inventory, and mapping in <strong>Alaska</strong>. <strong>The</strong> list of 480 citationsincludes all references cited in this publication and the papers and unpublishedmaterial that we were able to locate and review. We have an additional list of about100 citations, not included here, that we have not been able to locate and review.Acevedo, William; Walker, Donald; Gaydos, Leonard; Wray, James. 1982. <strong>Vegetation</strong> andland cover: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Coastal Plain, <strong>Alaska</strong>. Misc. Investigations SeriesMap 1-1443. Reston, VA: Department of the Interior, U.S. Geolgoical Survey. 1: 250,000.Ager, T.A.; Ager, L.P. 1980. Ethnology of the Eskimos of Nelson Island. <strong>Alaska</strong>. ArcticAnthropology. t7(1): 27-48.Alaback, P.B. 1980a. Biomass and primary productivity of understory vegetation in the Sitkaspruce-western hemlock forests of southeast <strong>Alaska</strong>. [Place of publication unknown]: U.S.Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range ExperimentStation; final report. 53 p.Alaback, Paul B. 1980b. Proposed provisional plant community types of southeastern <strong>Alaska</strong>.14 p. Unpublished report. On file with: Institute of Northern Forestry, 308 Tanana Drive,Fairbanks, AK 99775.Alaback, Paul B. 1982a. Dynamics of understory biomass in Sitka spruce-western hemlockforests of southeast <strong>Alaska</strong>. Ecology. 63(6): 1932-1948.Alaback, Paul B. 1982b. Forest community structural changes during secondary successionin southeast <strong>Alaska</strong>. In: Means, Joseph E., ed. Forest succession and stand developmentresearch in the Northwest: Proceedings of the symposium; 1981 March 26; Corvallis, OR.Corvallis. OR: Oregon State University, Forest Research Laboratory: 70-79.Alaback, Paul B. 1984. Piant succession following logging in the Sitka spruce-western hemlockforests of southeast <strong>Alaska</strong>: implications for management. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTF-173.Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest andRange Experiment Station. 25 p.<strong>Alaska</strong> Planning Group, US. Department of Agrlculture. 1974. Proposed Porcupine NationalForest, <strong>Alaska</strong>. Final Environmental Statement. [Place of publication unknown]: [Publisherunknown]. 672 p.<strong>Alaska</strong> Plannlng Group, U.S. Department of the Interlor. 1974a. Proposed AniakchakCaldera National Monument, <strong>Alaska</strong>. Final environmental statement. [Place of publicationunknown]: [Publisher unknown]. 547 p.<strong>Alaska</strong> Plannlng Group, US. Department of the Interior. 1974b. Proposed Arctic NationalWildlife Refuge <strong>Alaska</strong>. Final environmental statement. [Place of publication unknown]:[Publisher unknown]. 668 p.<strong>Alaska</strong> Planning Group, US. Department of the Interior. 1974c. Proposed Beaver CreekNational Wild River <strong>Alaska</strong>. Final environmental statement. [Place of publication unknown]:[Publisher unknown]. 400 p.<strong>Alaska</strong> Planning Group, U.S. Department of the Interior. 1974d. Proposed Chukchi lmurukNational Reserve, <strong>Alaska</strong>. Final environmental statement. [Place of publication unknown]:[Publisher unknown]. 763 p.<strong>Alaska</strong> Planning Group, U.S. Department of the Interlor. 1974e. Proposed FortymileNational Wild and Scenic River, <strong>Alaska</strong>. Final environmental statement. [Place of publicationunknown]: [Publisher unknown]. 422 p.213

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