The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...

The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...

The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...


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Distribution and site characteristics-Wet sedge-grass meadow tundra communitiesthat have been reported all have been within a few kilometers of the Arcticcoast, where they occupy shallow polygon troughs, streambanks, and low wet areas.Soils range from tundra humic gleys to histosols and are wet and fine textured. <strong>The</strong>yusually are somewhat acid, with reactions as low as pH 4.1 reported (Webber 1978),and may be flooded by up to 15 centimeters (6 in) of water much of the growingseason. Permafrost is present at shallow depths (ca. 30 to 40 centimeters [12 to16 in]).Successional status-Most wet sedge-grass meadow tundra communities probablyare fairly stable ecologically. <strong>The</strong>y may replace fresh grass marsh if the water tabledrops.Closely related types-This unit differs from fresh grass marsh in that the latter iswetter and dominated by Arctophila fulva. Wet sedge meadow tundra lacks grass;wet sedge-herb meadow tundra has a substantial component of broad-leaved herbs.Mesic sedge-grass meadow tundra rarely is dominated by Carex aquatilis and neveris dominated by Eriophorum angustifolium or Dupontia fischeri.Photographs-Webber 1978, figures 5 and 66.Primary references-Webber 1978, Webber and Walker 1975.Communities-Dupontia fischeri(Britton 1967, Clebsch 1957, Dennis 1968, Meyers1985, Potter 1972, Wiggins 1951). Duponfia fischeri-Alopecurus alpinus (Bergmanand others 1977). Dupontia fischeri-Petasites frigidus (Dennis 1968). Dupontiafischeri-€riophorumangusfifolium (Brown and others 1970, Dennis 1968, Meyers1985. Webber 1978, Young 1971). Dupontia fischeri-friophorumangustifolium/Bryumspp. (Webber 1978). Duponfia fischeri-€riophorum scheuchzeri (Spetzman 1959).Eriophorum angustifolium-Carex glareosa-Deschampsia caespitosa-Dupontia fischeri-Arctagroostis latifolia (Johnson and others 1966). Carex aquatilis-Dupontia fischeri(Potter 1972, Webber and others 1978, Wiggins 1951). Carex aquatilis-Dupontiafischeri/Oncophorus wahlenbergii (Webber 1978). Carex aquatilis-Dupontia fischeri/Bryum spp. (Webber and Walker 1975, White and others 1975). Carex aquatilis-Duponfia fischeri-Carex membranacea (Koranda 1960). Eriophorum scheuchzeri-Alopecurus alpinus (Koranda 1960). Alopecurus alpinus (Britton 1967).lll.A.3.c. Wet Sedge-Herb Meadow TundraDescription-<strong>The</strong>se communities are dominated by sedges and broad-leaved herbs(forbs). Carex aquatilis is often the dominant sedge, but several other carices maydominate in certain settings. Several herbs may share dominance; some of the mostcommon are Menyanthes frifoliata, Petasites frigidus, and Potentilla palustris. Insoutheast <strong>Alaska</strong>, Fauria crista-gall; may be the codominant herb. Woody plantsand lichens are absent or rare. Mosses may be present or absent, but sphagnum isabsent or at least unreported from these communities. Plant cover is usually open oreven sparse.179

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