The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...

The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...

The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...


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Smith, Katherlne C.; Larson, Frederlc R. 1984. Overstory-understory relationships in theblack spruce type of interior <strong>Alaska</strong>. In: LaBau, Vernon J.; Kerr, Calvin L., eds. Inventoryingforest and other vegetation of the high latitude and high altitude regions: Proceedings of aninternational symposium, Society of American Foresters regional technical conference: 1984July 23-26; Fairbanks, AK. Bethesda, MD: Society of American Foresters: 103-112.Snow, Alllson A.; Vlnce, Susan W. 1984. Plant zonation in an <strong>Alaska</strong>n salt marsh. II: Anexperimental study of the role of edaphic conditions. Journal of Ecology. 72: 669-684.Sparks, Louise H.; del Moral, Roger; Watson, Alan F.; Kruckeberg, Arthur R. 1977. <strong>The</strong>distribution of vascular plant species on Sergief Island, southeast <strong>Alaska</strong>. Syesis. IO: 1-9.Spetzman, L.A. 1963. Terrain study of <strong>Alaska</strong>. Part 5: <strong>Vegetation</strong>. In: U.S. Department of theArmy, Engineering Intelligence Study. EIS 301. Washington, DC: Chief of Engineers. [Notpaged].Spetzman, Lloyd A. 1959. <strong>Vegetation</strong> of the Arctic slope of <strong>Alaska</strong>. US. Geol. Surv. Prof.Pap. 302-E. Washington, DC: US. Government Printing Office. 58 p.Splndler, Michael A. 1976. Ecological survey of the birds, mammals and vegetation ofFairbanks Wildlife Management Area. Fairbanks, AK: University of <strong>Alaska</strong>. 258 p. M.S.thesis.Splndler, Michael A. 1978. Bird populations and habitat use in the Okpilak River delta area,Arctic National Wildlife Range, <strong>Alaska</strong>. Fairbanks, AK: Arctic National Wildlife Range, U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service. 79 p.Spindler, Mlchael A.; Kessel, Brina. 1978. Terrestrial avian habitats and their utilization,upper Tanana River Valley, <strong>Alaska</strong>, 1977. Fairbanks, AK: University of <strong>Alaska</strong> Museum.118 p.Spindler, Michael A.; Mouton, Michele A,; MacDonald, Stephen 0. 1980. Biological surveysin the Firth-Mancha Research Natural Area, <strong>Alaska</strong>, 1979-1980. Fairbanks, AK: William 0.Douglas Arctic Wildlife Range, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. 91 p.Stanek, Walter. 1980. <strong>Vegetation</strong> types and environmental factors associated with FoothillsGas Pipeline Route, Yukon Territory (maps and legend). BC-X-205. Victoria, BC: EnvironmentCanada, Forestry Service. 47 p.Steere, William Campbell. 1978. Floristics, phytogeography, and ecology of arctic <strong>Alaska</strong>nbryophytes. In: Tieszen, Larry L.. ed. <strong>Vegetation</strong> and production ecology of an <strong>Alaska</strong>narctic tundra. Ecological Studies 29. New York: Springer-Verlag: 141-167.Stelgers, William D., Jr.; Helm, Dot; MacCracken, James G. [and others] 1983. <strong>Alaska</strong>Power Authority, Susitna Hydroelectric Project, environmental studies-subtask 7.12: 1982plant emlogy studies. Final Rep. Palmer, AK: University of <strong>Alaska</strong>, Agricultural ExperimentStation. 288 p.Stephens, F.R. 1969. Aforest ecosystem on a glacier in <strong>Alaska</strong>. Arctic. 22(4): 178-183.Stephens, F.R.; Billings, R.F. 1967. Plant communities of a tide-influenced meadow onChichagof Island, <strong>Alaska</strong>. Northwest Science. 41(4): 178-183.Stephens, F.R.; Gass, C.R.; Billlngs, R.F. 1970. <strong>The</strong> muskegs of southeast <strong>Alaska</strong> andtheir diminished extent. Northwest Science. 44(2): 123-130.Stephens, F.R.; Gass, C.R.; Billlngs, R.F.; Paulson, D.E. 1969. Soils and associatedecosystems of the Tongass. 67 p. Draft. On file with: Institute of Northern Forestry,308 Tanana Drive, Fairbanks, AK.99775.234

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