The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...

The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...

The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...


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Raclne, Charles H.; Anderson, J.H. 1979. Flora and vegetation of the Chukchi-lmuruk area.In: Melchior. Herbert R., ed. Biological survey of the Bering Land Bridge National Monument:revised final repott. Fairbanks, AK: Biology and Resource Management Program, <strong>Alaska</strong>Cooperative Park Studies Unit, University of <strong>Alaska</strong>: 38-113.Rausch, R. 1958. <strong>The</strong> occurrence and distribution of birds on Middleton Island. <strong>Alaska</strong>. <strong>The</strong>Condor. 60: 227-242.Rausch, Robert L.; Rausch, Virginla R. 1968. On the biology and systematic position ofMicrotus abbreviatus Miller, a vole endemic to the St. Matthew Islands, Bering Sea.Sonderdruck aus Zeitschrift fur Saugetierkunde. 33(2): 65-99.Reed, John C., Jr.; Harms, John C. 1956. Rates of tree growth and forest succession in theAnchorage-Matanuska Valley area, <strong>Alaska</strong>. Arctic. 9(4): 238-248.Reid, David E. 1974. <strong>Vegetation</strong> of the MacKenzie Valley-part one. Arctic Gas BiologicalRep. Series Vol. 3. [Place of publication unknown]: Northern Engineering Services Co. Ltd.145 p.Reld, David E.; Janz, Arnold. 1974. <strong>Vegetation</strong> of the MacKenzie Valley-part two. ArcticGas Biological Rep. Series Vol. 3. [Place of publication unknown]: Northern EngineeringServices Co. Ltd. 166 p.Reiners, William A,; Worley, Ian A.; Lawrence, Donald 6. 1971. Plant diversity in achronosequence at Glacier Bay. <strong>Alaska</strong>. Ecology. 52(1): 55-65.Reynolds, Keith M. 1990. Preliminary classification of forest vegetation of the KenaiPeninsula, <strong>Alaska</strong>. Res. Pap. PNW-RP-424. Portland. OR: US. Department ofAgriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 67 p.Rieger, Samuel; Wunderlich, R. Eugene. 1960. Soil survey and vegetation of northwesternKodiak Island area, <strong>Alaska</strong>. [Place of publication unknown]: Soil Survey Service, Bureau ofLand Management. 46 p.Rigg, George E. 1914. Notes on the flora of some <strong>Alaska</strong>n sphagnum bogs. Plant World.17(6): 167-1 82.Rigg, George E. 1937. Some raised bogs of southeastern <strong>Alaska</strong> with notes on flat bogs andmuskegs. American Journal of Botany. 24: 194-198.Ritchie, Robert; Curatolo, James; Batten, Alan. 1981. Knik Arm wetland study: final report.Fairbanks, AK: <strong>Alaska</strong> Biological Research. 195 p.Roach, Deborah Ann. 1983. Buried seed and standing vegetation in two adjacent tundrahabitats, northern <strong>Alaska</strong>. Oecologia. 60: 359-364.Ronsse, Dennis E. 1984. A preliminary investigation of wetland vegetation on the SelawikNational Wildlife Refuge. Selawik NWR Prog. Rep. 1984-1. Kotzebue, AK: Selawik NationalWildlife Refuge, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 6 p.Rosenberg, Daniel H. 1986. Wetland types and bird use of Kenai lowlands. Anchorage, AK:U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 7, Special Studies. 189 p.Roth, Joanna E. 1986. Effects of disturbance of clipping on two distinct forms of Zosteramarina L. Fairbanks, AK: University of <strong>Alaska</strong>. 100 p. MS. thesis.Rolhe, Thomas C.; Lanigan, Steven H.; Martin, Patricia A.; Tande, Gerald F. 1983. Naturalresource inventory of Elmendorf Air Force Base, <strong>Alaska</strong>: pari I. Anchorage, AK: US. Departmentof the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Region ?, Special Studies. 368 p.Rucks, Jeff. 1977. An inventory of wildlife and wildlife habitat of the Gulkana River, <strong>Alaska</strong>.Boulder, CO: Western interstate Commission for Higher Education, Resources DevelopmentInternship Program. 28 p.231

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