The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...

The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...

The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...


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Holowaychuk, N.; Smeck, Neil E. 1979. Soils of the Chukchi-lmuruk area. In: Melchior,Herbert R., ed. Biological survey of the Bering Land Bridge National Monument: revisedfinal report. Fairbanks, AK: Biology and Resource Management Program, <strong>Alaska</strong> CooperativePark Studies Unit, University of <strong>Alaska</strong>: 114-192. Chapter 6.Hooper, David Chandler. 1952. Waterfowl investigations at Minto Lakes, <strong>Alaska</strong>. Fairbanks,AK: University of <strong>Alaska</strong>. 62 p. M.S. thesis.Hopklns, D.M.; Slgafoos, R.S. 1951. Frost action and vegetation patterns on SewardPeninsula, <strong>Alaska</strong>. Geol. Surv. Bull. 974-C. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of theInterior, Geological Survey: 51-100.HuItbn, Eric. 1960. Flora of the Aleutian Islands and westernmost <strong>Alaska</strong> Peninsula with noteson the flora of Commander Islands. 2d. ed., rev. Weinheim. Germany: J. Cramer. 376 p.HultBn, Eric. 1962. Flora and vegetation of Scammon Bay, Bering Sea Coast, <strong>Alaska</strong>. SvenskBotanisk Tidskrift. 56(1): 36-54.Hultbn, Eric. 1966. Contributions to the knowledge of flora and vegetation of the southwestern<strong>Alaska</strong>n mainland. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift. 60(1): 175-189.Hultbn, Eric. 1968. Flora of <strong>Alaska</strong> and neighboring territories. Stanford, CA: Stanford UniversityPress. 1008 p.Hunt, Steven; Tltlow, Budd; Root, Ralph [and others]. 1986. Aerial photos of land covertypes aid Denali mining impact analysis. Park Science. 6(2): 3-6.Islelb, M.E. “Pete”; Kessel, Brlna. 1973. Birds of the North Gull Coast-Prince William Soundregion, <strong>Alaska</strong>. Biol. Pap. Univ. <strong>Alaska</strong> 14. Fairbanks, AK: University of <strong>Alaska</strong>. 149 p.Jackson, Marlon T. 1981. <strong>Vegetation</strong> patterns of an emperor goose nesting ground nearKokechik Bay, western <strong>Alaska</strong>. National Geographic Society Research Reports. 13: 287-296.Jaques, Dennls Randall. 1973. Reconnaissance botany of alpine ecosystems on Prince ofWales Island, southeast <strong>Alaska</strong>. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. 133 p. MS. thesis.Jefferles, R.L 1977. <strong>The</strong> vegetation of salt marshes at some coastal sacs in arctic NorthAmerica. Journal of Ecology. 65: 661-672.Jeglum, J.K.; Bolssonneau, A.N.; Haavlsto, V.F. 1974. Toward a wetland classification forOntario. Information Rep. 0-X-215. Sault Ste. Marie, ON: Great Lakes Forest ResearchCentre, Canadian Forestry Service, Department of the Environment. 54 p. [plus appendixes].Johnson, Albert W.; Kubanls, Susan A. 1978. Investigations of weeds and weedy <strong>Vegetation</strong>along the Yukon River-Prudhoe Bay haul road. In: Brown. Jerry, principal investigator.Ecological baseline investigations along the Yukon River-Prudhoe Bay Haul Road, <strong>Alaska</strong>.Hanover, NH: Corps of Engineers, U.S Army Cold Regions Research and EngineeringLaboratory; progress report: 5-24.Johnson, Albert W.; Kubanis, Susan A. 1979. Investigations of weeds and weedy vegetationalong the Yukon River-Prudhoe Bay haul road: a second year annual report. CRREL InternalRep. 594. Hanover, NH: US. Army Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research andEngineering Laboratory. 80 p.Johnson, Albert W.; Vlereck, Leslie A. 1962. Some new records and range extensions ofarctic plants for <strong>Alaska</strong>. Biol. Pap. Univ. <strong>Alaska</strong> 6. Fairbanks, AK: University of <strong>Alaska</strong>. 32 p.Johnson, Albert W.; Vlereck, Leslie A,; Johnson, Ross E.; Melchlor, Herbert. 1966.<strong>Vegetation</strong> and flora. In: Wilimovsky. Norman J.: Wok. John N.. eds. Environment of theCape Thompson region, <strong>Alaska</strong>. Oak Ridge, TN: US. Atomic Energy Commission, Divisionof Technical Information: 277-354. Chaoter 14.223

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