The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...

The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...

The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...


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Closely related types-Halophytic herb communities occupy habitats similar tohalophytic grass wet meadows (Puccinellia spp.) and often intergrade with the latterbut have few grasses and many herbs. <strong>The</strong>y sometimes intergrade in a similarway with halophytic sedge wet meadows (Carex ramenski;, C. subspathacea, orC. lyngbyae!). Again, the boundary between communities must sometimes bearbitrary, but halophytic herb communities have few sedges and relatively abundantherbs.Halophytic herb communities on slough levees can resemble some midgrass-herbcommunities (Deschampsia beringensis, Fesfuca rubra, or Poa erninens), butgrasses are widely scattered and herbs are much more conspicuous in the former.Photographs-Neiland 1971b, figure 9; Racine 1978b, figure 38; figure 72, thispublication.Prrmaty references-Batten and others 1978, Frohne 1953, Hanson 1951, Neiland1971b, Ritchie and others 1981, Vince and Snow 1984.Communities-Triglochin maritimum (Frohne 1953, Quimby 1972, Ritchie andothers 1981). Triglochin marifimum-Potentilla egedii(Hanson 1951, Vince and Snow1984). Triglochin maritimum-Plantago maritima (Batten and others 1978, Vince andSnow 1984, Ritchie and others 1981). Triglochin marifimum-Puccinelspp. (Racine1978b). Triglochin palusfris-Atr~lexgmelini (Neiland 1971 b). Honckenya peploides(Batten and others 1978, Crow 1977b, Meyers 1985). Men'ensia marifirna-Honckenyapeploides (Amundsen and Clebsch 1971, Batten and others 1978, Britton 1967,Griggs 1936, Hanson 1953, Potter 1972, Spetzman 1959, Streveler and others1973, Thomas 1951). Cochlearia officinalis (Wiggins and Thomas 1962). Cochleariaofficinalis-Lathyrus maritimus (Bank 1951). Cochlearia o~icinalis-~uccinelliaphryganodes (Webber and others 1978). Honckenya peploides-Senecio pseudoarnica(Shacklette and others 1969, Young 1971). Cochlearia officinalis-Fucusdistichus (Batten and others 1978). Cochlearia officinalis-Achillea borealis (Byrd1984). Plantago maritima-Puccinellia spp. (Hanson 1951). Sfellaria humifusa(Meyers 1985).111. C. BryoidThis unit includes communities dominated by bryophytes and lichens. Bryophytesand lichens also may be abundant in graminoid and forb communities and someshrubby communities, but here they occur to the near-exclusion of vascular plants.1II.C. 1. Bryophyte<strong>The</strong>se are communities dominated by mosses or hepatics.199

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