The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...

The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...

The Alaska Vegetation Classification - Alaska Geobotany Center ...


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Martin, Jon R.; Brady, Ward W.; Downs, James M. 1985. Preliminary forest plantassociations (habitat types) of southeast <strong>Alaska</strong>: Chatham Area, Tongass National Forest.91 p. Draft. On file with: Institute of Nolthern Forestry. 308 Tanana Drive, Fairbanks, AK99775.Marvin, LuDean C. 1986. A floristic survey of the Eklutna Valley, Chugach State Park, <strong>Alaska</strong>.Provo. UT: Brigham Young University. 147 p. MS. thesis.McCartney, Nancy Glover. 1976. Effects of Eskimos on soils and vegetation at two northernarcheological sites. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin. 652 p. Ph.D. thesis.McCormick, Jack; Plchon, Wayne. 1978. Wetlands of Potter Marsh, Point Campbell toPotter. WAPORA Proj. 681. Washington, DC: WAPORA, Inc. 79 p.McKendrlck, Jay D. 1981. Responses of arctic tundra to intensive muskox grazing.Agroborealis. 13: 49-55.McKendrlck, J.D.; Scorup, PC; Mitchell, Wm. W.; Branton, 1. 1974. Identification ofphenological stages and vegetation types for land use classification. Final report. Greenbelt,MD: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight <strong>Center</strong>. 95 p.McKendrlck, Jay D. 1987. Plant succession on disturbed sites, North Slope, <strong>Alaska</strong>, USA.Arctic and Alpine Research 19(4): 554-565.McRoy, C. Peter. 1966. <strong>The</strong> standing stock and ecology of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) inlzembek Lagoon, <strong>Alaska</strong>. Seattle, WA: University of Washington. 138 p. MS. thesis.McRoy, C. Peter. 1968. <strong>The</strong> distribution and biogeography of Zostera marina (eelgrass) in<strong>Alaska</strong>. Pacific Science. 22(4): 507-513.Meehan, William R. 1974. <strong>The</strong> forest ecosystem of southeast <strong>Alaska</strong>: 4. Wildlife habitats.Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-16. Portland, OR: US. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service,Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 32 p.Merriam, C. Hart. 1884. <strong>The</strong> geographic distribution of animals and plants in North America.Washington, DC: US. Department of Agriculture: 203-214.Meyers, Cynthia R. 1985. <strong>Vegetation</strong> of the Beaufort Sea coast, <strong>Alaska</strong>: community composition,distribution, and tidal influences. Fairbanks, AK: University of <strong>Alaska</strong>. 206 p.MS. thesis.Miller, P.C. 1975. Patterns of plant growth forms in the tussock tundra. In: Brown, Jerry, ed.Ecological and limnological reconnaissances from Prudhoe Bay into the Brooks Range,<strong>Alaska</strong>-summer 1975. Wanover. NH: US. Army Cold Regions Research and EngineeringLaboratory: 40-44.Miquelle, Dale. 1985. Food habits and range conditions of bison and sympatric ungulates onthe upper Chitna River, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve. ResearchFiesourcesManagement Rep. AR-8. Anchorage AK: National Park Service, <strong>Alaska</strong> Regional Office.112 p.Mitchell, Wm. W. 1968. On the ecology of Sitka alder in the subalpine zone of south-central<strong>Alaska</strong>. In: Trappe, J.M.; Franklin, J.F.; Tarrant, R.F.; Hansen, G.M., eds. Biology of alder:Proceedings of a symposium held at Northwest Scientific Association 40th annual meeting;1967 April 14-15; Pullman, WA. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, ForestService, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station: 45-56.Mitchell, Wm. W.; Evans, Jim. 1966. Composition of two disclimax bluejoint stands in southcentral<strong>Alaska</strong>. Journal of Range Management. 19(2): 65-68.227

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