Advances in Water Treatment and Enviromental Management

Advances in Water Treatment and Enviromental Management

Advances in Water Treatment and Enviromental Management


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FOULING PHENOMENON IN CROSS-FLOW MICROFILTRATION PROCESSES 179Influence of the number of reentrairaient N rThis parameter fixes the sensitivity of a suspended particle concern<strong>in</strong>g entra<strong>in</strong>ment by theflow when it makes contact with a previously aggregated object. The simulations drawn <strong>in</strong>Fig.10 present deposit morphology variations for different values of the number ofreentra<strong>in</strong>ment, from branch<strong>in</strong>g out (N r small) to compact structures (N r high).Secondary parameters such as θ v, P <strong>and</strong> R d do not have a significant <strong>in</strong>fluence on themorphology of theoretical deposits.Fig. 10: Simulation for N r =0 (up) <strong>and</strong> 3 (down) with α=20°, θ i =1°, θ v =1°3.3 DiscussionThe ma<strong>in</strong> question is: do such statistical aggregates really represent what happens when afilter surface is clogged by solid particle deposition dur<strong>in</strong>g a cross-flow microfiltration processθ Of course it is very difficult to give an answer because of the difficulty to experimentallyobserve phenomena appear<strong>in</strong>g at a microscopic scale (the pore diameter is about 1µm <strong>and</strong>the particle diameter is supposed to be smaller). Experiments already performed by HOUI(1989) <strong>in</strong> a 2D micromodel for the filtration of dilute well-muds have shown surface depositswhose structures are qualitatively <strong>in</strong> good agreement with some of our statistical simulations.We hope that further <strong>in</strong>vestigations us<strong>in</strong>g the orig<strong>in</strong>al technique of nuclear magnetic resonancewill provide us with useful <strong>in</strong>formation on the time dependant of the thickness all along ahollow fiber.Fig. 11: Horizontal density variations with a=20°, θ i =1°, θ v =1°, N r =4The horizontal density variations, plotted <strong>in</strong> Fig. 11 for the aggregation depicted <strong>in</strong> Fig. 6,show that the statistical simulator ensures a uniform distribution of particles all over thestudied filter surface except at the downstream <strong>and</strong> upstream boundaries. Furthermore itcan be concluded that deposits formed dur<strong>in</strong>g a cross flow microfiltration process have auniform thickness over a filtration length cover<strong>in</strong>g a few pores.It is important to notice that statistical deposits are homogeneous. Bensimon (1983) <strong>and</strong>Meak<strong>in</strong>s (1985) have demonstrated that this can be proved by the follow<strong>in</strong>g relation, sett<strong>in</strong>gε equal to 1:

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