Advances in Water Treatment and Enviromental Management

Advances in Water Treatment and Enviromental Management

Advances in Water Treatment and Enviromental Management


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192 WATER TREATMENTProduct quality may be restored with a bicarbonate condition<strong>in</strong>g follow<strong>in</strong>g br<strong>in</strong>e regeneration butthis adds greatly to the cost <strong>and</strong> complication of the process.c) Due to chromatographic b<strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the res<strong>in</strong> column, the production run at first yields a very highchlorideproduct, followed by a bicarbonate breakthrough. Such quality variation is undesirable <strong>in</strong> ama<strong>in</strong>s supply <strong>and</strong> can only be overcome by several parallel units runn<strong>in</strong>g out of phase with oneanother, or very large mix<strong>in</strong>g storage.d) When the conventional res<strong>in</strong>’s nitrate capacity is exhausted, the column cont<strong>in</strong>ues to take up sulphatewhich displaces a high concentration of nitrate <strong>in</strong>to the product. It is therefore dangerous to cont<strong>in</strong>uethe run beyond the nitrate breakthrough po<strong>in</strong>t.e) The spent regenerant conta<strong>in</strong>s the nitrate <strong>and</strong> other ions removed from the water, plus excessregenerant. Disposal of this solution presents environmental problems whose gravity depends on thelocation.AH these problems are aggravated by high sulphate <strong>in</strong> the raw water. Nitrate selective res<strong>in</strong>s have recentlybecome available, with a higher cost <strong>and</strong> a lower work<strong>in</strong>g capacity <strong>and</strong> regeneration efficiency, but whoseselectivity means that little of this capacity is “waste” <strong>in</strong> remov<strong>in</strong>g sulphate, so that the capacity <strong>and</strong>efficiency with respect to nitrate are effectively higher when denitrify<strong>in</strong>g high sulphate waters.The normal practice is to treat only a part of the water, remov<strong>in</strong>g nitrate to a very low level, <strong>and</strong> to blendback with untreated water for a product whose nitrate content is with<strong>in</strong> the EEC directive. This reducescosts <strong>and</strong> eases the problems <strong>in</strong> b) <strong>and</strong> c) above. Counterflow regeneration is normally necessary to achievethe low nitrate level required to make this practical.3. INVESTIGATIONS INTO ION EXCHANGEExperimentation on ion exchange columns is slow with a column normally tak<strong>in</strong>g three cycles of run <strong>and</strong>regeneration to reach an operat<strong>in</strong>g equilibrium. Typically a laboratory test column will produce little morethan one experimental result per week’s experimentation, whose results are <strong>in</strong> the form of breakthroughcurves. These reveal noth<strong>in</strong>g directly about events with<strong>in</strong> the column.In the past ion exchange users have been content with the results obta<strong>in</strong>ed from this form of directexperimentation, because <strong>in</strong> the common <strong>in</strong>dustrial soften<strong>in</strong>g or deionisation applications, which aim atnear-total removal of a class of ions, chromatographic b<strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong>g with<strong>in</strong> the column appears relativelyunimportant. Denitrification, by contrast, is a complex chromatographic process, <strong>and</strong> needs a fresh approach.4. COMPUTER MODELLINGCranfield Institute of technology started work on anion exchange denitrification <strong>in</strong> 1984, supported at firstby the Science & Eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g Research Council, <strong>and</strong> currently by the South Staffordshire <strong>Water</strong>works Co.It was identified early on that for reasonable progress a computer model was needed to simulate the process.The Cranfield model is based on the concept of the column as a series of Theoretical Plates (TPs) <strong>in</strong> whichthe liquid comes to equilibrium with the res<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> each plate before pass<strong>in</strong>g on to the next plate.The equilibrium state <strong>in</strong> each TP is assumed to have been reached when the four ions under considerationare all <strong>in</strong> b<strong>in</strong>ary equilibrium—i.e. the equilibrium constants for the exchange reactions Cl-NO 3 , C1-SO 4 , <strong>and</strong>C1-HCO 3 are all satisfied. Curiously, no res<strong>in</strong> manufacturer <strong>in</strong>vestigates these fundamental properties oftheir products, <strong>and</strong> we therefore had to determ<strong>in</strong>e them ourselves—a laborious task, made difficult byanalytical problems of determ<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g small concentrations of one ion <strong>in</strong> the presence of large <strong>in</strong>terfer<strong>in</strong>gconcentrations of another.Once the model was work<strong>in</strong>g, we estimated the height of column equivalent to a theoretical plate (HETP) bytrial <strong>and</strong> error, match<strong>in</strong>g computer runs with actual experimental data, to give us the number of plates(NTP).After cont<strong>in</strong>u<strong>in</strong>g improvement, the simulation can be operated with regeneration <strong>in</strong> co-or counterflow, withadditional regeneration stages if required. The NTP can be changed for different stages of the cycle, tosimulate differences <strong>in</strong> k<strong>in</strong>etic conditions e.g. between regeneration <strong>and</strong> run. A leakage factor, by which a

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