Advances in Water Treatment and Enviromental Management

Advances in Water Treatment and Enviromental Management

Advances in Water Treatment and Enviromental Management


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210 WATER TREATMENTTABLE 1Design parameters for Stripp<strong>in</strong>g Volumes3.4 Case Study AThe performance of the Case A columns is shown <strong>in</strong> Fig 8. It can be seen that the concentration<strong>in</strong> the raw water has been quite variable, rang<strong>in</strong>g from 20 to 110 µg/l with an average of 93µg/1. The concentration of TCE <strong>in</strong> the aerated water was below the WHO Guidel<strong>in</strong>e level of 30µg/1 on all occasions. The peak, at day 165, is likely to be an erroneous result: it is extremelydifficult to ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> an adequate level of sample cleanl<strong>in</strong>ess when deal<strong>in</strong>g with such lowconcentrations. The percentage removal graph. Fig 8 shows three such low po<strong>in</strong>ts where thevalidity of the results must be questioned.Aside from these three po<strong>in</strong>ts, the removal efficiency ranges from 87–98%. The average removalefficiency is 92.9%, or 93.8% omitt<strong>in</strong>g the three low po<strong>in</strong>ts.If these removal rates are used <strong>in</strong> Equation (3) K L a can be shown to be 57.7.When mass transfer is liquid rate controlled K L a can be calculated from the follow<strong>in</strong>g equation(Norman W S, 1961).The diffusivity of. K L a is therefore calculated to be 72.8. It can be seentherefore that the actual mass transfer rates achieved are 80% of theoretical values. This istypical <strong>in</strong> that about 0.5 m of tower pack<strong>in</strong>g is usually considered as <strong>in</strong>effective s<strong>in</strong>ce it isfunction<strong>in</strong>g primarily as a water distribution section (at the top) <strong>and</strong> an air distributor at thebottom.The removal efficiency for PCE averaged 93.6% when three apparently anomalous resultswere ignored.3.5 Case Study BIn Case B two packed towers were constructed to treat 500 m 3 /h of groundwater contam<strong>in</strong>atedwith TCE, PCE <strong>and</strong> low levels of CTC. The pack<strong>in</strong>g supplied by the Contractor was 94 ram(4)

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