rologie i - European Congress of Virology

rologie i - European Congress of Virology

rologie i - European Congress of Virology


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5 th <strong>European</strong> <strong>Congress</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Virology</strong>severe moist cough, signs <strong>of</strong> pulmonary disease and dehydration. In serologicalstudies, serum samples were investigated for the presence <strong>of</strong> CAVantibodies by indirect ELISA. Antibodies to CAV were detected in 103(54.7%) <strong>of</strong> the examined sera samples. Leukocyte samples were processedand inoculated onto confluent monolayers <strong>of</strong> MDCK cells using standardvirological techniques. Cells were incubated at 37 ◦ C after inoculation andobserved daily for the appearance <strong>of</strong> cytopathogenic effect. After thirdpassage, cells were examined by direct Immun<strong>of</strong>luorescence test (IFT) forCAV antigens. We have not seen any morphological changes in MDCKcells and CAV antigens were not detected in any <strong>of</strong> leukocytes.Key words: CAV, ELISA, IFTREF 316Experimental infection in mice with avian coronavirus (Gammacoronavirus)isolated from chickensMatheus CAVALHEIRO MARTINI 1 , Márcia Mercês AparecidaBIANCHI DOS SANTOS 1 , Leonardo CARDIA CASERTA 1 , RicardoDURÃES CARCAVLHO 1 , Marina AIELLO PADILLA 1 , Helena LAGEFERREIRA 2 , Clarice WEISS ARNS 11 Laboratory <strong>of</strong> Animal <strong>Virology</strong>, Institute <strong>of</strong> Biology, University <strong>of</strong> CampinasUNICAMP, Campinas, BRAZIL; 2 Laboratory <strong>of</strong> Avian Disease,University <strong>of</strong> São Paulo College <strong>of</strong> Animal Science and Food Engineering<strong>of</strong> USP, Pirassununga, BRAZILCoronaviruses, which are single stranded, positive sense RNA viruses, isthe causative agent <strong>of</strong> a wide variety <strong>of</strong> existing and emerging diseasesin humans and other animals. Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) belongsto the genus Gammacoronavirus <strong>of</strong> the Coronaviridae family and is associatedto a highly contagious upper respiratory tract disease in chickens.IBV has been mainly detected in epithelial cells causing lesions in thenasal turbinates, trachea, kidney, gonads, oviduct, lungs and airsacs. Thisstudy was conducted to investigate if an IBV sample, obtained from anavian host (Gallus gallus), is able to replicate in a murine model. TenBalb/C mice 4 wks old were inoculated with 50 L fluid containgning104.0TCID50/mL <strong>of</strong> IBV/BRAZIL/2007/Unicamp801. Also, a controlgroup with four Balb/C mice was sham inoculated with 50 L <strong>of</strong> tissueculture fluid. Five infected and two control animals were euthanatized at3th and 10th days post inoculation; samples from sinus, tracheas, lung andkidney were collected at necropsy. Viral RNA was detected by real timePCR, based on the UTR gene, with copy numbers varying from 3,97 × 106to 1,21 × 108 (Ct values:35.98 to 38.58) at 3th d.p.i and 4,13 × 103 to1,74 × 108 (Ct values:35,94 to 38.51) at 10th d.p.i; no RNA was detectedin the control group. These results showed that an IBV sample was able toreplicate in a mammal host. To date there is no report <strong>of</strong> avian coronavirusreplication in mammals. A mammal species could constitute a host rangein which the virus can evolve, as well as a space for recombination betweenthe avian and mammal coronavirus. As a consequence, new variantsmight be produced.REF 317Susceptibility <strong>of</strong> Chicken embryonic Stem Cell Derived Keratinocytesto Marek’s Disease Virus infectionMathilde COUTEAUDIER 1 , Katia COURVOISIER GUYADER 1 ,Bertrand PAIN 2 , Caroline DENESVRE 1 , Jean François VAUTHEROT 11 INRA UMR 1282 ISP, Biova, Centre INRA de Tours, Nouzilly, FRANCE;2 INRA UMR 1288 IGFL, (ENSL/CNRS/UCBL1), Centre INRA de ClermontFerrand Theix, Villeurbanne, FRANCEMarek’s Disease Virus (MDV) is a very potent oncogenic alphaherpesviruswhich replicates to high titres in feather follicle epithelium (FFE)cells, from which it is efficiently shed as free virus. Investigations on thereplication <strong>of</strong> MDV in FFE are <strong>of</strong> major importance for a better knowledgeon viral dissemination. No in vitro cell system can afford an environmentthat may reproduce the one found in the cells <strong>of</strong> the differentiated FFE. Toenlarge the array <strong>of</strong> our investigations we explored the possibilities <strong>of</strong>feredby the differentiation <strong>of</strong> pluripotent stem cells from chicken. We thereforeexamined whether chicken embryonic stem cells (cES) could be inducedto differentiate toward the keratinocyte lineage, and whether those keratinocytesor their progenitors at intermediate stages <strong>of</strong> differentiation couldsupport MDV replication. From cES BP25, we derived several homogenouscell populations which showed typical morphological characteristics<strong>of</strong> chicken keratinocytes. In addition, we showed a down regulation <strong>of</strong> pluripotencymarkers over the time, meanwhile the expression <strong>of</strong> late markersgenes <strong>of</strong> epidermal differentiation was upregulated. MDV replication wasexamined in cell populations showing either a typical keratinocyte morphologyor an “epithelial cell” phenotype, by using cell adapted or virulentvirus strains. The permissiveness <strong>of</strong> these differentiated cells was comparedto the one <strong>of</strong> the parental pluripotent cES. The ongoing experimentsare focussed on the characteristics <strong>of</strong> virus replication and morphogenesisin those cell populations.REF 318Antibody prevalence against Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis in SaanenGoats in Adana ProvinceIrmak DIK 2 , Orhan YAPICI 1 , Oguzhan AVCI 2 , Kamil ATLI 2 ,Sibel YAVRU 21 University <strong>of</strong> Kyrgyzstan Turkey Manas, Faculty <strong>of</strong> Veterinary Medicine,Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Virology</strong>, Bishkek, KYRGYZSTAN; 2 University <strong>of</strong> Selcuk,Faculty <strong>of</strong> Veterinary Medicine, Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Virology</strong>, Konya, TURKEYCaprine arthritis encephalitis is a viral disease <strong>of</strong> small ruminant that iscaused by the caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV). CAEV infectionoccurs worldwide and like other lentiviruses, they cause lifelong persistentinfection, which may be essentially symptomless or results in a variety <strong>of</strong>inflammatory, degenerative, or immunosuppressive diseases in a variableproportion <strong>of</strong> infected hosts. This virus causes chronic disease <strong>of</strong> the joints,encephalitis, slowly progressive pneumonia, and mastitis in goat. The aim<strong>of</strong> this study is to define seroprevalence <strong>of</strong> CAEV infection in Saanengoats in Adana in the Mediterranean region <strong>of</strong> Turkey. In the present study,blood serum samples were collected from 150 Saanen goats unvaccinatedagainst CAEV in Adana. Sera samples were analyzed for presence <strong>of</strong>antibodies against CAEV by commercially available enzyme linked immunosorbentassays (ELISA; ID Screen, France). The test was performed asper the manufacturer’s instructions. Antibodies to CAEV were detectedin 4 (2.66%) <strong>of</strong> the examined sera samples. Results <strong>of</strong> this study carryout that CAEV has a low prevalence in Saanen goats in Adana. As a vaccinationprogramme for CAEV infections is not implemented in Turkey.Further studies should focus on explaining the risk factors associated withCAEV prevalence in Saanen goat populations in an attempt to control newinfections.Key words: Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus, ELISA, Saanen goat,SerumS208 Vi<strong>rologie</strong>, Vol 17, supplément 2, septembre 2013

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