rologie i - European Congress of Virology

rologie i - European Congress of Virology

rologie i - European Congress of Virology


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5 th <strong>European</strong> <strong>Congress</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Virology</strong>assay for BDV antigen, and 11 <strong>of</strong> 327 (3.36%) tissue samples were positive.The BDV genome was detected in 14 <strong>of</strong> 63 (22.2%) sheep leukocytesamples and 11 <strong>of</strong> 327 (3.36%) tissue samples by one step reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction (RT PCR). The BDV genome couldnot be detected in any vaginal swab samples. The sensitivity and specificityrates between direct ELISA and direct IP, were respectively 100%and 98.8% and the values were, respectively, 78.57% and 98.6% betweendirect ELISA and one step RT PCR and 100% and 97.5% between onestep RT PCR and direct IP.This study was supported financially by the Scientific Research Council<strong>of</strong> Selcuk University (08102001) and summarized from PhD thesis <strong>of</strong>Oguzhan Avci.Key words: BDV, direct ELISA, immunoperoxidase, one step RT PCR,sheepREF 343Serologic and virologic investigation <strong>of</strong> BHV 1, BVDV and BHV 4 incattle with metritisSibel YAVRU 1 , Oguzhan AVCI 1 , Mehmet KALE 21 University <strong>of</strong> Selcuk, Faculty <strong>of</strong> Veterinary Medicine, Department <strong>of</strong><strong>Virology</strong>, Konya, TURKEY; 2 University <strong>of</strong> Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Faculty<strong>of</strong> Veterinary Medicine, Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Virology</strong>, Burdur, TURKEYBovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV 1), Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV),and Bovine herpesvirus type 4 (BHV 4), are well known, importantpathogens <strong>of</strong> cattle that give rise to substantial economic losses due toreproductive failures and increased calf mortality, as well as enteric andrespiratory disease. The purpose <strong>of</strong> the present study was to evaluate thepossible effects <strong>of</strong> BHV 1, BVDV and BHV 4 involving metritis in theselected unvaccinated dairy cattle herds in Afyon province <strong>of</strong> Turkey byserologically and virologically methods. A total <strong>of</strong> 63 dairy cattle withclinical signs <strong>of</strong> metritis were sampled in order to investigate the presence<strong>of</strong> BHV 1, BVDV and BHV 4 infections. The sera samples weretested for presence <strong>of</strong> antibodies to BHV 1, BVDV and BHV 4 using ancommercially available indirect Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay(ELISA, Biox, Belgium). Leukocyte samples were tested for presence<strong>of</strong> BVDV viral genome using Reverse Transcription Polymerase ChainReaction (RT PCR) and PCR for BHV 1 and BHV 4 viral genome. Antibodieswere detected in 6 (9.52%) <strong>of</strong> 63 against BVDV and 51 (80.95%)<strong>of</strong> 63 against BHV 4. All sera samples were negative for BHV 1 antibodies.BHV 4 genome were detected in 8 (12.69%) <strong>of</strong> 63 leukocytesamples while BVDV and BHV 1 genomes could not be found. Presence<strong>of</strong> BVDV and BHV 4 antibodies in unvaccinated animals indicates thatthese cattle had contracted infection. The serologic and virologic results<strong>of</strong> the study strongly suggest that BHV 4 infections may play a director indirect role in causing bovine metritis; therefore their importancein the aetiology <strong>of</strong> metritis and their economical impact needs furtherattention.Key words: BHV 1, BVDV, BHV 4, metritisREF 344Immunomodulatory effects <strong>of</strong> EHV 4 on PBMC and a new equinetracheal epithelial cell lineErika HUE 1,2,3 , Christine FORTIER 1,3 , Kerstin BORCHERS 4 ,Guillaume FORTIER 1,2,3 , Stephane PRONOST 1,2,31 Frank Duncombe Laboratory, Caen, FRANCE; 2 Normandie Univ, SF4206 ICORE, EA 4655 U2RM, Caen, FRANCE; 3 Hippolia Foundation,Caen, FRANCE; 4 Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Vi<strong>rologie</strong>, Berlin,GERMANYEquine alphaherpesvirus 4 (EHV 4) was a major cause <strong>of</strong> respiratorydisease in horses throughout the world. It causes significant economicimpact to the equine industry because <strong>of</strong> respiratory problems and losttime for training and performance. Currently, no specific treatment wasavailable in the field to cure these equine infections and the efficacy <strong>of</strong> thedifferent vaccine was limited. Moreover, only few data were available onthe immune response induced by EHV 4.. To improve new vaccine andtreatments, it’s necessary to better understand the immune responses <strong>of</strong>natural target cells during infection <strong>of</strong> EHV 4. The aim <strong>of</strong> this study wasto 1/determine the immunological pr<strong>of</strong>ile induced by EHV 4 infection onperipheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and 2/develop and characterizea new epithelial cells line to characterize the immunological pr<strong>of</strong>ile..Modulation <strong>of</strong> the expression <strong>of</strong> major cytokines involved during viralinfection (IFN alpha, IFN beta, IFN gamma, TNF alpha, IL 1 beta, IL 6and IL 18) was measured by real time quantitative PCR (RT PCR). Preliminaryresults indicate that EHV 4 stimulated IFN gamma production inPMBC. The equine tracheal epithelial cell model was characterised withspecific antibodies. This new equine tracheal epithelial cell line will helpto determine the immunological pr<strong>of</strong>ile during EHV 4 infection in airwayepithelial cells.Vi<strong>rologie</strong>, Vol 17, supplément 2, septembre 2013S215

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