rologie i - European Congress of Virology

rologie i - European Congress of Virology

rologie i - European Congress of Virology


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Scientific Programme -Wednesday 11 th September 201313h00 – 13h30 OPENING CEREMONY – WELCOME SESSION Amphitheater, Level 0Peter COYLE (President ESCV), Otto HALLER (President ESV) Bruno LINA (Lyon, FRANCE),Dimitri LAVILLETTE (Lyon, FRANCE), Noël TORDO (Paris, FRANCE)13h30 – 15h45 PLENARY SESSION 1: “FROM BASIC VIROLOGY TO THERAPY” Amphitheater, Level 0 (p. S37)Chairpersons: Giorgio PALÙ (Padova, ITALY), Felix REY (Paris, FRANCE)13h30 – 14h15 Illuminating the “isolate, attenuate and vaccinate” paradigm,Paul DUPREX (Boston, USA) - ESCV GARDNER LECTURE14h15 – 14h45 Treatment <strong>of</strong> viral infections, still many viruses to go, Johan NEYTS (Leuven, BELGIUM)14h45 – 15h15 Theoretical and experimental antiviral approach by combining mutagenic agents and inhibitorsEsteban DOMINGO (Madrid, SPAIN)15h15 – 15h45 Using retroviruses for human genetic therapy: progresses and difficultiesMarina CAVAZZANA-CALVO (Paris, FRANCE)15h45 – 16h15 COFFEE BREAK IN THE EXHIBITION AREA Forum 5 & 6 - Level -216h15 – 18h15WORKSHOP SESSIONSWORKSHOP 3: “INNATE IMMUNITY AGAINST VIRUSES” Room Gratte-Ciel 1, 2, 3 - Level 2 (p. S39)Chairpersons: Denis GERLIER (Lyon, FRANCE), Maria-Carla SALEH (Paris, FRANCE)16h15 – 16h4516h45 – 17h0017h00 – 17h1517h15 – 17h3017h30 – 17h4517h45 – 18h0018h00 – 18h15Keynote: Manipulation <strong>of</strong> autophagy by Measles virus, Mathias FAURE (Lyon, FRANCE)Activation <strong>of</strong> RIG I by incoming RNA virus nucleocapsids containing a 5’ triphosphorylatedgenome, Michaela WEBER, (Marburg, GERMANY)Sensing <strong>of</strong> infected cells in absence <strong>of</strong> virus particles by plasmacytoid dendritic cells isinhibited by the ribonuclease Erns <strong>of</strong> classical swine fever virus, Nicolas RUGGLI(Mittelhäusern, SWITZERLAND)Integrins synergize with TLRs to initiate a specific branch <strong>of</strong> the innate response to herpessimplex virus, Gabriella CAMPADELLI FIUME (Bologna, ITALY)Severe acute respiratory syndrome virus with E protein deleted was attenuated because Eprotein was responsible for the induction <strong>of</strong> an inflammatory response mediated by NF-K-Bactivation, Luis ENJUANES (Madrid, SPAIN)A reverse genetics approach to study the determinants for dsRNA binding and PKR inhibitionin the NS1 protein <strong>of</strong> influenza A virus, Kristina L. SCHIERHORN (Berlin, GERMANY)The matrix protein <strong>of</strong> rabies virus binds to RelAp43 to suppress NF-K-B dependent geneexpression related to innate immunity, Youcef BEN KHALIFA (Paris, FRANCE)S20Vi<strong>rologie</strong>, Vol. 17, supplément 2, septembre 2013

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