rologie i - European Congress of Virology

rologie i - European Congress of Virology

rologie i - European Congress of Virology


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5 th <strong>European</strong> <strong>Congress</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Virology</strong>Friday 13 th September 2013, 15h00 – 17h15WORKSHOP 13: “VIRAL REPLICATION STRATEGIES”Chairpersons: Luis ENJUANES (Madrid, SPAIN)& Juan ORTIN (Madrid, SPAIN)Room Gratte-Ciel 1, 2, 3for virus viability was also demonstrated by reverse genetics, showed thatD99A, P116A and R190A mutations severely impaired or even abolishednsp12/nsp8 interaction and consequently polymerase activity. Moreover,conserved residues in nsp8 (K58) and nsp7 (K7 and N37) modulate RNAtemplate recognition by nsp7/nsp8/nsp12. Nsp14 is the first description <strong>of</strong>a mismatch excision enzyme bound to a viral RNA polymerase, illustratingthe integration <strong>of</strong> RNA polymerization, repair and capping activitiesinto a single multi active complex.KEYNOTE:Influenza polymerase host adaptationAnna CAULDWELL, Jason LONG, Hongbo ZHOU, OlivierMONCORGE, Wendy BARCLAYSection <strong>of</strong> <strong>Virology</strong>, Imperial College London, UNITED KINGDOMTypical avian influenza A viruses do not replicate efficiently in mammals.This host range block is recapitulated in the laboratory in a cellbased polymerase activity assay in which viral polymerases reconstitutedfrom an avian virus do not amplify minigenomes inside human cells. Wepreviously showed that avian/human heterokaryons could support avianvirus polymerase activity suggesting there is an avian host factor lackingin human cells that could complement avian virus polymerase. Several distincthost adaptive mutations map to the polymerase complex (PB1, PB2and PA), and in addition it was recently reported that the nuclear exportprotein NEP encoded on RNA segment 8 can also alleviate the host rangeblock in polymerase activity. Some <strong>of</strong> these viral mutations increase polymerasefunction in both human and avian cells whereas others are humancell specific, suggesting the mechanisms by which they act and the hostfactors involved may be different. Some mutations which enhance activityin the reconstituted polymerase assay are not selected for in nature. Thismay be because they lead to attenuated virus replication, for example byincreasing interferon activation. Taken together these analyses can tell usmore about how influenza polymerase functions within the infected celland by which mechanisms one <strong>of</strong> the several host range barriers that limitavian influenza viruses in humans might be breached.ORAL COMMUNICATIONSREF O115Processive RNA synthesis, repair and capping activities embedded ina SARS Coronavirus multi protein complexLorenzo SUBISSI 1 , Clara C. POSTHUMA 2 , Jessika ZEVENHOVEN 2 ,Axelle COLLET 1 , Alexander E. GORBALENYA 2 , Eric J. SNIJDER 2 ,Etienne DECROLY 1 , Bruno CANARD 1 , Isabelle IMBERT 11 AFMB AMU, Marseille, France; 2 LUMC, Leiden, THE NETHERLANDSCoronaviruses include lethal human pathogens like the recently emergedHuman Coronavirus EMC (HCoV EMC) and Severe Acute RespiratorySyndrome Coronavirus (SARS CoV). They carry largest known viral RNAgenomes encoding replication/transcription machineries <strong>of</strong> unusual complexityand composed <strong>of</strong>, at least, 16 viral non structural proteins (nsps).The RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) nsp12 is poorly active invitro, but supposedly plays a central role in the efficient replication <strong>of</strong> thelarge (>30 kb) coronavirus genome. Here, we report that SARS CoV nsp7and nsp8, previously co crystallized as a hexadecamer reminding a slidingclamp, confer highly efficient and processive RNA synthesis properties tonsp12. The nsp7/nsp8/nsp12 complex further interacts in a stable fashionwith nsp14, a bi functional enzyme bearing 3 ′ 5 ′ exoribonuclease (ExoN)and RNA cap N7 guanine methyltransferase activities. The processiveRNA synthesis <strong>of</strong> nsp7/nsp8/nsp12 is not affected by nsp14 ExoN activity.Mutational analysis <strong>of</strong> conserved nsp8 residues, whose importanceREF O116Crystal structure <strong>of</strong> the N0 P complex <strong>of</strong> Nipah virus and <strong>of</strong> VSVprovide new insights into the encapsidation mechanism <strong>of</strong> the Paramyxoviridaeand RhabdoviridaeFilip YABUKARSKI 1 , Cédric LEYRAT 1 , Nicolas TARBOURIECH 1 ,Malene RINGKJØBING JENSEN 2 , Martin BLACKLEDGE 2 , RobRUIGROK 1 , Marc JAMIN 11 UMI3265 UJF EMBL CNRS UVHCI, Grenoble, FRANCE; 2 UMR5075CEA CNRS UJF Institut de Biologie Structurale, Grenoble, FRANCEEncapsidation <strong>of</strong> newly synthesized viral RNA genomes and antigenomesin a helical homopolymer <strong>of</strong> nucleoprotein (N) is an essential step in thereplication <strong>of</strong> non segmented negative strand RNA viruses. For Rhabdoviridaeand Paramyxoviridae, encapsidation relies on the continuousproduction <strong>of</strong> soluble RNA free nucleoprotein (N0) in the form <strong>of</strong> acomplex with the phosphoprotein (P), named the N0 P complex. In bothfamilies, this complex is formed by the interaction between the N terminalregion <strong>of</strong> P and the core <strong>of</strong> the N protein.We developed a strategy to reconstruct the N0 P complex from purifiedcomponents using an N mutant deleted <strong>of</strong> its N terminal arm (∼20 aa) anda peptide <strong>of</strong> P containing the N0 binding site. For vesicular stomatitis virus(VSV), a rhabdovirus, and for Nipah virus (NiV), a paramyxovirus, wecharacterized the structure <strong>of</strong> the N terminal region <strong>of</strong> P alone in solutionand we solved the crystal structure <strong>of</strong> the reconstructed N0 P complex. Thiswork demonstrates that the N terminal region <strong>of</strong> P is globally disorderedbut contains transiently populated a helices, and that it folds upon bindingto the N0. The structure <strong>of</strong> the reconstituted N0 P complexes revealedhow P prevents N0 from polymerizing and thereby from binding RNA.These structures also suggest mechanisms by which P stimulates initiation<strong>of</strong> RNA synthesis and controls encapsidation <strong>of</strong> the RNA genome. Thestructure <strong>of</strong> the NiV complex provides the first glimpse at the structure <strong>of</strong>the nucleoprotein <strong>of</strong> a Paramyxovirinae.REF O117Role <strong>of</strong> host factors in enterovirus RNA replicationFrank VAN KUPPEVELD, Hilde VAN TONGEREN, CristinaDOROBANTU, Lonneke VAN DER LINDEN, Lucian ALBULESCU,Jeroen STRATINGDivision <strong>of</strong> <strong>Virology</strong>, Department <strong>of</strong> Infectious Diseases and Immunology,Faculty <strong>of</strong> Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, Utrecht, THENETHERLANDSEnteroviruses (poliovirus, coxsackievirus, rhinovirus, enterovirus 71)extensively modify host cell membranes to create a scaffold for genomicRNA replication. As yet little is about the structure and biogenesis <strong>of</strong>these viral replication organelles and the identity <strong>of</strong> the host factors thatare involved in their formation. Previously, we showed that the enterovirus3A protein <strong>of</strong> enteroviruses recruits GBF1, a GEF <strong>of</strong> Arf1, to membranesand demonstrated a critical role <strong>of</strong> this protein in RNA replication(Wessels et al, 2006, Dev Cell). Recently, Golgi localized PI4KIII, whichis an effector <strong>of</strong> Arf1, was also recognized to be recruited to membranes by3A and to be important for viral RNA replication (Hsu et al., 2012, Cell).Here, evidence will be presented that PI4KIII is recruited to membranesVi<strong>rologie</strong>, Vol 17, supplément 2, septembre 2013S89

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