rologie i - European Congress of Virology

rologie i - European Congress of Virology

rologie i - European Congress of Virology


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5 th <strong>European</strong> <strong>Congress</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Virology</strong>Conclusion: Our method is very specific and allows detection <strong>of</strong> co infectionswhile commercial methods are more sensitive but failed to detect coinfections. The accuracy <strong>of</strong> our method was confirmed by the identification<strong>of</strong> expected HBV genotypes (A,D: most frequent genotypes in Europe) inpatient and in QCMD samples.REF 473An exercise in instrument consolidation and redundancy in atertiary teaching hospital: Comparative evaluation <strong>of</strong> Diasorin Liaison/LiaisonXL Hepatitis B Serology AssaysCraig LEEMAN, Elizabeth MARLAND, Elizabeth GALVIN, SpirosREPOUSIS, Jane CORNWALLSydPath St Vincent’s Hospital, Darlinghurst AUSTRALIASt Vincent’s Hospital is one <strong>of</strong> Australia’s leading tertiary teaching hospitalsand recognised as a centre for excellence in clinical care, research andtraining with specialty areas including transplantation and HIV/AIDs care.The need to streamline pathology services by centralisation or consolidationaffects laboratories <strong>of</strong> all sizes. From 2011 to 2013 a project has beenundertaken within SydPath to reduce test platforms and subsequent costswhile remaining compliant with ISO and cGMP requirements for redundancyfor provision <strong>of</strong> donor services. The solution sought was to increasethroughput and capacity while eliminating restrictive batch testing <strong>of</strong> traditionalELISA technology without compromising result quality and patientcare. Stage one realized automation and consolidation <strong>of</strong> EBV, HSV, Parvo,MMV, Toxo and Hep A testing to LIAISON/LIAISON XL. Stage twoprovides consolidation and redundancy for Hepatitis B testing. Aim: Toevaluate LIAISON/LIAISON XL murex Hepatitis B CLIA assays vs currentAbbott Architect CMIA and BioMerieux VIDAS ELFA. Method: 150characterised retrospective and prospective samples tested for HBsAg, sAgneut, HBeAg/Ab, HBc IgM to determine concordance/serostatus; PelispyT38 & T17, Bio Rad Virotrol III & Viroclear assessed limit <strong>of</strong> detection,linearity and precision; HBsAg mutant panel challenged mutant detectioncapability. Results: Excellent concordance. Superior HBsAg mutantdetection capability demonstrated by LIAISON XL murex HBsAg Quantassay. Throughput, capacity and consolidation were achieved improvingpatient care and clinical outcomes.REF 474Reconsidering primary HPV testing in cervical cancer screeningCarlo LIVERANI 1,21 Fondazione IRCCS, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milano, ITALY;2 University <strong>of</strong> Milan, Milano, ITALYInappropriate testing for HPV types on healthy subjects increases costswithout benefit and potentially results in overtreatment (1). HPV testingalso has a negative psychosocial impact on women, increasing anxiety,stress, and concerns on sexual relationships (2,3). Giving the fact thatrecently HPV testing has been shown to have similar sensitivity but moreoverdiagnosis than cytology (4), and also giving the fact that false negativeresults may be higher than previously suspected (5), primary screeningwith HPV tests in <strong>European</strong> countries should be reconsidered. Resourcessaved in molecular testing may well be addressed in implementing vaccinationstrategies which are still underused, and may possibly includemales as well as women (6,7).References1. Solomon D, et al. Statement on HPV DNA Test Utilization. Acta Cytol2009; 53 (3): 247-8.2. Rosen NO, et al. The impact <strong>of</strong> intolerance <strong>of</strong> uncertainty on anxietyafter receiving an informational intervention about HPV: a randomisedcontrolled study. Psychol Health 2010; 25 (6): 651-68.3. Kwan TT, et al. Psychological burden <strong>of</strong> testing positive for highrisk human papillomavirus on women with atypical cervical cytology:a prospective study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2011; 90 (5):445-51.4. Malila N, et al. The HPV test has similar sensitivity but more overdiagnosisthan the Pap test A randomised health services study on cervicalcancer screening in Finland. Int J Cancer 2012 Sep 18. doi: 10.1002/ijc.2785.5. Liverani CA, et al. High risk HPV DNA subtypes and E6/E7 mRNAexpression in a cohort <strong>of</strong> colposcopy patients from Northern Italy withhigh grade histologically verified cervical lesions. Am J Transl Res 2012;4 (4): 452-7.6. Oscarsson MG, et al. Young women’s decision making process for HPVvaccination. Sex Reprod Healthc 2012; 3 (4): 141-6.7. Jin XW, et al. Human papillomavirus vaccine: Safe, effective, underused.Cleve Clin J Med 2013; 80 (1): 49-60.REF 475Development <strong>of</strong> a new diagnostic tool for the detection and quantification<strong>of</strong> Parvovirus B19 by Real Time PCRPatricia MARECHAL, Gwendoline FOUCAUD, Stéphane MAGRO,Come BARRANGERBioMérieux, Verniolle, FRANCEObjectives: Parvovirus B19 is an important human pathogen causing avariety <strong>of</strong> diseases with outcomes ranging from asymptomatic to severe,such as chronic anemia immunocompromised patients or fetal hydrops anddeath after maternal infection. The bioMérieux Parvovirus B19 R gene ®real time PCR assays allows to quantify the three B19 genotypes on themajor extraction and real time PCR platforms. The results expressed incopies/mL can be converted to international units by using a conversionfactor determined on the basis <strong>of</strong> the 2nd WHO International Standard forParvovirus B19.Methods: Viral DNA was extracted from 200 L <strong>of</strong> whole blood orplasma on NucliSENS ® easyMAG TM and eluted in 50 L. 10 L <strong>of</strong>purified nucleic acids were added to 15 L <strong>of</strong> ready to use amplificationpremix. An Internal control added before extraction step was usedas extraction/inhibition control. Parvovirus B19 and internal control wererespectively detected at 530 nm and 560 nm on ABI 7500 Fast.Results: On the Parvovirus B19 QCMD Panel 2012, 100% (8/8) <strong>of</strong> thesamples were correctly identified and quantified. Analytical sensitivitystudies performed in whole blood and plasma specimens showed a highlevel <strong>of</strong> sensitivity.Coefficient <strong>of</strong> variations below 3% were observed for the intra/inter assayreproducibility studies carried out on the 2nd WHO IS Parvovirus B19diluted in whole blood negative samples.Conclusion: The high quality associated with its compatibility with themajor extraction and real time PCR platforms allows immediate integration<strong>of</strong> this tool into most routine diagnostic laboratories.REF 476Does the HCV INNO LIPA 2.0 assay correctly assigns genotype 4?Camelia MOKHTARI 1 , Arielle ROSENBERG 2 , Stephanie HAIMBOUKOBZA 1 , Eric MARCHADIER 1 , Anne Marie ROQUE AFONSO 11 Vi<strong>rologie</strong>,AP HP Hôpital Paul Brousse, Villejuif, 94800, France;2 Vi<strong>rologie</strong>,AP HP Hôpital Cochin, Paris, 75006, FRANCEThe strategy used to treat HCV infection depends on the viral genotype particularlywith the upcoming direct antiviral agents. For therapeutic trials,<strong>European</strong> medicine authorities recommend the use <strong>of</strong> NS5B sequencingor the reverse hybridization assay Inno Lipa 2.0, based on the simultaneousdetection <strong>of</strong> 5’UTR and Core regions. However, one <strong>of</strong> our patients,Vi<strong>rologie</strong>, Vol 17, supplément 2, septembre 2013S251

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