Complex Analysis - Maths KU

Complex Analysis - Maths KU

Complex Analysis - Maths KU


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In Section 4.5, for purposes that will<br />

be clear there, solution (11) will be<br />

denoted as φ (x, y).<br />

φ = k 0<br />

y<br />

–1 1<br />

φ = k 1<br />

Figure 3.11 The equipotential curves<br />

and lines of force for Example 2<br />

x<br />

☞<br />

3.4 Applications 169<br />

reasonable to try to seek a solution of (9) of the form φ(x). With this latter<br />

assumption, Laplace’s partial differential equation (9) becomes the ordinary<br />

differential equation d 2 φ/dx 2 = 0. Integrating twice gives the general solution<br />

φ(x) =ax+b. The boundary conditions enable us to solve for the coefficients a<br />

and b. In particular, from φ(−1) = k0 and φ(1) = k1 we must have a(−1)+b =<br />

k0 and a(1) + b = k1, respectively. Adding the two simultaneous equations<br />

gives 2b = k0 + k1, whereas subtracting the first equation from the second<br />

yields 2a = k1 − k0. These two results give us a and b:<br />

b = k1 + k0<br />

2<br />

and a = k1 − k0<br />

.<br />

2<br />

Therefore, we have the following solution of the given Dirichlet problem<br />

φ(x) = k1 − k0<br />

2<br />

x + k1 + k0<br />

. (11)<br />

2<br />

The problem in Example 2 can be interpreted as the determination the<br />

electrostatic potential φ between two infinitely long parallel conducting plates<br />

that are held at constant potentials. Since it satisfies Laplace’s equation in<br />

D, φ is a harmonic function. Hence a harmonic conjugate ψ can be found<br />

as follows. Because φ and ψ must satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations, we<br />

have:<br />

∂ψ<br />

∂y<br />

∂φ<br />

=<br />

∂x = k1 − k0<br />

2<br />

and<br />

∂ψ<br />

∂x<br />

= −∂φ<br />

∂y =0.<br />

The second equation indicates that ψ is a function of y alone, and so integrating<br />

the first equation with respect to y we obtain:<br />

ψ(y) = k1 − k0<br />

y,<br />

2<br />

where, for convenience, we have taken the constant of integration to be 0.<br />

From (8), a complex potential function for the Dirichlet problem in Example<br />

2 is then Ω(z) =φ(x)+iψ(y), or<br />

Ω(z) = k1 − k0<br />

x +<br />

2<br />

k1 + k0<br />

2<br />

+ i k1 − k0<br />

y.<br />

2<br />

The level curves of φ or equipotential curves ∗ are the vertical lines x = c1<br />

shown in color in Figure 3.11, and the level curves of ψ or the lines of force<br />

are the horizontal line segments y = c2 shown in black. The figure clearly<br />

shows that the two families of level curves are orthogonal.<br />

∗The level curves of φ are φ(x) =C1 or 1<br />

2 (k1 − k0) x + 1<br />

2 (k1 + k0) =C1. Solving for<br />

x gives x = � C1 − 1<br />

2 k1<br />

�� 1<br />

− k0 2 (k1 − k0). Set the constant on the right side of the last<br />

equation equal to c1.

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