Content2011 - PETRONAS Gas Berhad

Content2011 - PETRONAS Gas Berhad

Content2011 - PETRONAS Gas Berhad


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Notes to the Financial Statements<br />

31 MarCh 2011<br />

15. Borrowings (Continued)<br />

167 annUaL report 2011<br />

The unsecured term loan comprising the 6th series 3.4% Samurai Bond was on lent from <strong>PETRONAS</strong> to the Company on 21 April 1997. The<br />

term loan represents an amount equivalent to Yen 16 billion. Under the CEA with <strong>PETRONAS</strong>, the repayment of the principal amount is at a<br />

fi xed exchange rate of 100 Yen – RM2.838. The loan is due for payment in year 2013 at contracted amount of RM454.1 million.<br />

The CEA being an embedded derivative attached to the Yen 16 billion term loan is valued and accounted separately at each reporting<br />

date due to the risks and characteristics not being closely related to the host contract. The term loan is translated at the spot rate at the<br />

reporting date whereas the CEA is measured at fair value. The fair value of the CEA is based on the discounted cash fl ow of the difference<br />

between forward exchange rate and contracted rate. Any increase or decrease in the translation or valuation is recorded accordingly in the<br />

fi nancial statements.<br />

The market risk on the fair value or future cash fl ows of the term loan and CEA will fl uctuate depending on the exchange rate and interest<br />

rate movement.<br />

For the purpose of presentation of the fi nancial statements, both the term loan and the CEA are netted off since the conditions of legally<br />

enforceable right and the intention to settle on net basis are met.<br />

The net unrealised gain arising from retranslation of term loan and revaluation of CEA during the year was RM14,102,000 (2010 - net<br />

unrealised gain of RM11,943,000).<br />

16. Deferred Tax<br />

The components and movements of deferred tax during the fi nancial year are as follows:<br />

As at<br />

Charged/<br />

(Credited)<br />

to Profi t As at<br />

1.4.2010 or Loss 31.3.2011<br />

Group/Company RM’000 RM’000 RM’000<br />

Property, plant and equipment 1,131,418 (28,940) 1,102,478<br />

Financial instrument valuation 32,530 8,694 41,224<br />

Deferred income (3,814) 415 (3,399)<br />

Foreign currency translation (28,134) (5,169) (33,303)<br />

Total 1,132,000 (25,000) 1,107,000<br />

Charged/<br />

(Credited)<br />

As at to Profi t As at<br />

1.4.2009 or Loss 31.3.2010<br />

Group/Company RM’000 RM’000 RM’000<br />

Property, plant and equipment 1,148,818 (17,400) 1,131,418<br />

Financial instrument valuation 35,742 (3,212) 32,530<br />

Deferred income (4,228) 414 (3,814)<br />

Foreign currency translation (34,332) 6,198 (28,134)<br />

Total 1,146,000 (14,000) 1,132,000

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