Content2011 - PETRONAS Gas Berhad

Content2011 - PETRONAS Gas Berhad

Content2011 - PETRONAS Gas Berhad


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Notes to the Financial Statements<br />

31 MarCh 2011<br />

32. Financial Instruments (Continued)<br />

185 annUaL report 2011<br />

Market Risk<br />

Market risk is the risk or uncertainty arising from changes in market prices and their impact on the performance of the business. The market<br />

price changes that the Group and the Company is exposed to include interest rates, foreign currency exchange rates and other indices that<br />

could adversely affect the value of the Group’s and the Company’s fi nancial assets, liabilities or expected future cash fl ows.<br />

Market risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash fl ows of a fi nancial instrument will fl uctuate because of changes in market prices.<br />

Market prices comprise three types of risk: interest rate risk, currency risk and other price risk.<br />

Financial instruments affected by market risk include loans and borrowings, deposits and derivative fi nancial instruments.<br />

Interest Rate Risk<br />

Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash fl ows of a fi nancial instrument will fl uctuate because of changes in market<br />

interest rates.<br />

The Group’s investments in fi xed-rate debt securities are exposed to a risk of change in their fair value due to changes in interest rates.<br />

All interest rate risks are monitored and managed proactively by <strong>PETRONAS</strong> Group Treasury Division based on guidance from Group Risk<br />

Management Framework and Guideline.<br />

The interest rate profi le of the Group’s and the Company’s interest-bearing fi nancial instruments based on carrying amount as at reporting<br />

date is as follows:<br />

2011 2010<br />

Group/Company RM’000 RM’000<br />

Financial assets<br />

Fixed rate instruments 240,081 100,252<br />

Floating rate instruments 35,001 –<br />

275,082 100,252<br />

As at 31 March 2011, 87% of the fi nancial instruments of the Group and the Company are fi xed rate instruments.<br />

Since most of the Group’s and the Company’s fi nancial assets and liabilities are fi xed rate instruments measured at amortised cost, a change<br />

in interest rate is not expected to have material impact on the Group’s and the Company’s profi t or loss.<br />

Fair value sensitivity analysis for fi xed rate instruments<br />

Sensitivity analysis for a given market variable provided in this note, discloses the effect on profi t or loss and equity as at 31 March 2011<br />

assuming that a reasonably possible change in the relevant market variable had occurred at 31 March 2011 and been applied to the risk<br />

exposures in existence at that date to show the effects of reasonably possible changes in price on profi t or loss and equity to the next annual<br />

reporting date. Reasonably possible changes in market variables used in the sensitivity analysis are based on implied volatilities, where<br />

available, or historical data for equity and commodity prices and foreign exchange rates. Reasonably possible changes in interest rates are<br />

based on management judgment and historical experience.

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