Open Access PDF - Sven Kullander

Open Access PDF - Sven Kullander

Open Access PDF - Sven Kullander


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Diagnosis. Distinguished from all other species<br />

of Cichla by presence in adults of small light spots<br />

on pelvic and anal fins, and lower lobe of caudal<br />

fin. Similar to C. monoculus and C. pleiozona in<br />

possession of three dark vertical bars on side,<br />

presence of a pronounced occipital bar in large<br />

specimens, absence of black or ocellated markings<br />

laterally on head, and presence of irregular dark<br />

blotches on anterior abdominal side. Distinguished<br />

from C. pleiozona by less scales in a lateral<br />

row (76-83 vs. 84-93 in C. pleiozona) and<br />

typical absence of bar 4.<br />

Description. Refer to Figs. 28-32 for general shape<br />

and colour pattern, Table 16 for morphometrics,<br />

and Tables 2-10 for meristics.<br />

Adults relatively deep (depth 31.7-33.7 % SL,<br />

N = 6, 246-276 mm SL). Predorsal contour straight,<br />

smoothly arched anterior to dorsal fin, large males<br />

with indicated (MZUSP 38410) to pronounced (in<br />

holotype) nuchal elevation. Maxilla reaching to<br />

below middle of orbit. Lower jaw prognathous,<br />

articulation below posterior margin of orbit.<br />

Lateral line discontinuous on both sides in all<br />

specimens.<br />

Dorsal spines 3-6 or 4-6 longest; soft dorsal<br />

fin rounded, not quite reaching to caudal fin base;<br />

in large males subacuminate, reaching to or<br />

slightly beyond caudal fin base. Soft anal fin<br />

rounded, reaching beyond middle of caudal peduncle;<br />

in large males subacuminate, to caudal<br />

fin base. Caudal fin rounded, upper corner angled,<br />

lower corner rounded. Pectoral fin pointed, fourth<br />

ray longest, reaching halfway to end of anal fin<br />

base. Pelvic fin subacuminate, first or second ray<br />

Table 16. Morphometry of Cichla kelberi. Measurements are in percent of SL, except SL (in mm). Linear regression<br />

parameters calculated from original measurements in mm. HT, holotype (MZUSP 92397).<br />

N min max mean SD HT a b r<br />

SL (mm) 10 48.1 275.5 212.0 275.5<br />

Head length 10 31.9 35.3 33.4 1.03 33.1 0.596 0.330 0.997<br />

Snout length 10 10.2 12.1 11.5 0.55 11.6 –1.017 0.121 0.997<br />

Head depth 10 22.0 25.7 23.9 1.34 25.4 –3.626 0.259 0.992<br />

Body depth 10 28.7 33.7 32.0 1.50 33.1 –3.983 0.343 0.998<br />

Orbit diameter 10 7.4 11.0 8.2 1.08 7.4 2.461 0.068 0.993<br />

Interorbital width 10 7.9 9.7 8.9 0.53 9.2 –1.281 0.096 0.993<br />

Pectoral fin length 10 22.7 27.6 25.5 1.64 25.2 –3.931 0.277 0.989<br />

Upper jaw length 10 14.1 16.7 15.9 0.74 16.2 –1.808 0.169 0.998<br />

Lower jaw length 10 18.9 21.2 19.9 0.76 20.3 –1.844 0.209 0.995<br />

Caudal peduncle depth 10 11.3 12.3 11.6 0.35 11.3 0.236 0.115 0.994<br />

Caudal peduncle length 10 15.0 21.0 16.8 1.77 16.6 3.307 0.149 0.981<br />

Dorsal spine length 9 11.3 14.6 12.6 0.98 11.3 1.342 0.118 0.984<br />

Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters, Vol. 17, No. 4<br />

325<br />

longest, reaching halfway to beginning of soft<br />

anal fin base or middle of anal fin base.<br />

Spinous dorsal fin naked, soft dorsal fin<br />

densely scaled except for posteriormost and distal<br />

portion, up to four rows of scales basally and<br />

one row on each side along with each ray. Anal<br />

fin densely scaled except distally, with two or<br />

three rows of scales associated with each ray.<br />

Caudal fin densely scaled, scales covering almost<br />

all of fin except posterior margin and middle<br />

interradial membrane. Pelvic fin densely scaled<br />

anteriorly on both medial and lateral side. Pectoral<br />

fin scaled or naked basally.<br />

Juveniles (Figs. 28-29) elongate, scales absent<br />

on fins in the smallest. Caudal fin markedly<br />

emarginate.<br />

Colouration in preservative. Juveniles ca 17 mm<br />

SL (Fig. 28) with brown blotch anteriorly on side,<br />

indistinct pigmentation representing second<br />

blotch, and third blotch barely distinguishable<br />

from succeeding brown band which ends with<br />

slightly more intense small spot at base of caudal<br />

fin. Fins hyaline.<br />

Juvenile 48 mm SL (Fig. 29) with indistinct<br />

greyish vertical bar across anterior side, below<br />

lateral line and below posterior part of spinous<br />

dorsal fin, both bars with dark brown blotch at<br />

middle. Similar bar and blotch below anterior soft<br />

portion, but blotch connected to narrow dark<br />

brown horizontal stripe running on lower lateral<br />

line to dark blotch at middle of caudal fin base.<br />

Fins hyaline except for faint dark stripe across<br />

soft dorsal fin. Caudal base blotch dark brown,<br />

lanceolate, becoming narrower and fainter caudad

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