Open Access PDF - Sven Kullander

Open Access PDF - Sven Kullander

Open Access PDF - Sven Kullander


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348<br />

fins and caudal fin margin concave. Anal and<br />

caudal fins scaled basally in 65.3 mm specimens.<br />

Colouration in preservative. Juveniles about<br />

20 mm SL yellowish white with blackish lateral<br />

band from head to caudal fin. Lateral band including<br />

an elongate blotch close behind head and<br />

another above anal fin origin, and terminating<br />

with caudad acutely tapering black spot on caudal<br />

fin base.<br />

In young specimens lateral band distinct and<br />

prominent in 56 mm SL specimen (Fig. 49), but<br />

in 65 mm SL specimen (Fig. 50) lateral band faint,<br />

affected by preservation. Three narrow brown<br />

vertical bars extending down from dorsal fin base<br />

(two below spinous portion, one below soft portion)<br />

to slightly below lateral band, widening and<br />

forming blotches where crossing lateral band.<br />

Bars 1a and 2a absent or indistinct. Dark preorbital<br />

stripe from eye to mouth. Spinous dorsal fin light<br />

with darker lappets, soft dorsal fin dusky with a<br />

few large light blotches. Caudal spot still integrated<br />

with lateral band, not ocellated, succeeded<br />

caudally by dark grey stripe.<br />

Specimens 140-150 mm SL from Marabá and<br />

Itacaiunas with distinct lateral band, emphasized<br />

preorbital stripe and midbasal caudal spot. Marabá<br />

specimen (Fig. 51) with ventral parts (underside<br />

of head, chest, belly and caudal peduncle)<br />

white, contrasting with side which greyish with<br />

yellowish tint. Head and dorsum light greyish.<br />

Grey halter stripe extending back from mouth,<br />

bordered above by white. Wide blackish lateral<br />

band slightly widened and intensified where<br />

crossing vertical bars and margined above and<br />

below by rows of white spots which partly confluent.<br />

Dark grey vertical bars 1-3, 1a, and 2a, running<br />

from dorsal fin base down to contrasted white<br />

ventral area, bars 1, 1a, 2 below spinous dorsal<br />

fin, bars 2a, 3 below soft portion of dorsal fin.<br />

Bars 1-3 wider and darker than bars 1a and 2a.<br />

Only a few, indistinct white spots on dorsum and<br />

side. Dorsal fin greyish with two rows of white<br />

spots on spinous portion and three rows of white<br />

spots on soft portion. Anal fin whitish proximally,<br />

shading to greyish distally. Caudal fin grey<br />

with large white spots in dorsal lobe. Caudal spot<br />

black and nearly completely ocellated. Pelvic fin<br />

grey anteriorly on lateral face, otherwise white.<br />

In another young specimen, 137 mm SL (Fig. 52),<br />

lateral band remaining only as black stripe on<br />

caudal peduncle.<br />

From about 150 mm SL three black spots<br />

present posterior to orbit, of which one on cheek;<br />

one, sometimes doubled, dorsally on opercle; and<br />

one, sometimes doubled, dorsally on subopercle;<br />

spots may be light ringed in large specimens.<br />

Scattered white spots appear on side, and on top<br />

and side of head, but disappear gradually again<br />

between 200 and 250 mm SL in preserved specimens.<br />

Lateral band disappears completely between<br />

150 and 200 mm SL, and vertical bars become<br />

dominant lateral markings. Number of rows<br />

of light spots in dorsal fin increasing to five.<br />

Caudal spot ocellated, ringed with whitish; 5-6<br />

vertical rows of light spots in dorsal lobe of caudal<br />

fin.<br />

Holotype, adult male 219 mm SL, not breeding,<br />

may represent average size adult colour<br />

pattern (Fig. 53). Dorsum and nape brown, gradually<br />

lighter ventrally. Underside of head and<br />

body including, chest, abdomen, narrow area<br />

close to anal fin base and underside of caudal<br />

peduncle, white, shading to yellowish. Vertical<br />

bars dark brown, bars 1, 1a, 2 from spinous dorsal<br />

fin base, bars 2a, 3 from soft dorsal fin base,<br />

wider than interspaces proximally, slightly narrower<br />

down side, ending just before entering light<br />

ventral body colour. Bars gradually slightly<br />

paler ventrally, but distinct throughout. Vertical<br />

bar absent from caudal peduncle. Dark vertical<br />

bar, similar in width and colour to posterior bars,<br />

from predorsal midline immediately anterior to<br />

dorsal fin to anterior portion of lateral line. Ocellated<br />

spots absent from side. Scattered white spots<br />

on side few and indistinct. Numerous white spots<br />

on nape, cheek and opercular bones. Indistinct<br />

narrow blackish stripe from orbit toward mouth<br />

along anterodorsal margin of lachrymal, fading<br />

anteriorly.<br />

Spinous dorsal fin in holotype dark brown<br />

with three rows of large white spots, soft dorsal<br />

fin dark brown with five rows of white spots,<br />

those in proximal row larger than rest. Anal fin<br />

yellowish basally, turning greyish distally. Caudal<br />

fin ventral half greyish, dorsal half brownish<br />

with six vertical rows of vertically elongate whitish<br />

spots. Caudal ocellus including light ring of<br />

same size as eye, black center extending between<br />

rays D1 and D3, ring between rays V1 and D4.<br />

Pelvic fin medially greyish, laterally brownish,<br />

lighter posteriorly.<br />

White spots on head and body indistinct in<br />

holotype, not at all apparent in similar sized males<br />

but more numerous and distinct in female 202 mm<br />

<strong>Kullander</strong> & Ferreira: Review of Cichla

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