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el cuarto trimestre de 2015.Por su parte, Fibra Inn resaltó que al3T2014 contaba con 27 hoteles en operación,7 hoteles en proceso de compra y 3en desarrollo; en total son 5,532 cuartos, delos que 645 se encuentran en construcción.También se aprobó la contratación de Deudapor 2,300 millones en la Asamblea Extraordinariade Tenedores, firmada el 9 de septiembrede 2014.The hotel sector enters an important dynamic;Mexico is becoming one the mostattractive countries in Latin America forcapital flow in different sectors of the real estatemarket, as a result of a positive outlook ineconomic issues envisaged for the next years,as well as the arrival of foreign tourists andmovement of fellow citizens.Confidence in touristic growth, whether forbusiness or pleasure, not only reflects in favorableperspectives for different brands or hoteloperators, but also in Real Estate InvestmentFunds (Fibras), who have advertised differentacquisitions, property development, roomspace addition, and beginning of operations.Hotel OperatorsAccor, world leader in hotel operation hasplans for boosting growth in our country. In aninterview for Inmobiliare, Abel Castro, vicepresidentof Desarrollo para Américas y Caribepointed affirmed, “Mexico is crucial in this developmentbecause it has strong potential andwe want to speed up our development. To thisdate we have 13 operating hotels with a totalamount of 1861 rooms and we have signed contractsfor the construction of 8 more hotels in5 new cities”.Regarding long-term plans, Accor’s goal isto reach 50 operating hotels for 2020 in Mexico,mainly in the economic segment with 350properties from brands such as ibis, ibis StyleNovotel, the last, being the strongest brand innational territory.Ibis brand is one of Accor’s strongest betsglobally. “We open an ibis every three daysaround the world because we are able to delivera quality and safe product, that works well withthe alternative of making Internet reservationswith a competitive price, and this is the brand’ssecret”, shares Abel Castro. “For instance, theinvestment’s amount of an ibis hotel in Mexico is45,000 thousand dollars per room, including theland, and 35,000 without land’s cost”, he adds.Accor’s priority is to strengthen its presencein main cities, such as Mexico City, Guadalajara,and Monterrey, to continue placingitself in those where it is not there yet, such asPuebla, Veracruz, Tijuana, Querétaro, and León.Mexico in the luxury realestate focusSofitel, considered as luxury real estate, willarrive to Mexico City and will build the first hotelin this segment. In comparison, some countrieslike Canada, the United States, Colombia,Uruguay, and Brazil, already have presence inthe segment; the latter has four in operation.For the second trimester of 2017, SofitelMéxico Reforma will open, with 290 rooms,from which, 61 will be suites; in addition, it willhave a Lobby Bar & Roof Top Bar, restaurant,and SO FIT: fitness room with sauna and vapor.“We would like to have luxury hotels inMexico, the first one will be in Mexico City,but we are interested in markets like Cancun,Riviera Maya, Los Cabos, and Riviera Nayarita,that may be both city and beach destinations.At the time, we are working and looking for investorswho are interested in developing thesebrands, some negotiations have been made andthe answer has been positive”, confirmed thevice-president of Desarrollo para Américas yCaribe from Accor.“When we start with Accor’s presence in acountry, we make direct investments; the nextstep is setting management agreements, andthen, the franchise. In Mexico, we are in thesecond and third phases; today, all the agreementsare management contracts (investorsprovide the capital, we operate the hotel withthe Group’s expertise, and there is not any investmentfrom Accor because we provide thebrand, distribution platform and loyalty subjects).www.inmobiliare.com 51

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