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PROMO INMOBILIARE1. Includes one property in Ascensión, Chihuahua 2. Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA)Note: Includes 9 retail/office properties held through a 50/50 joint venture with Grupo Frisa.FIBRA MACQUARIERENEWS CONTRACTSFIBRA Macquarie has recentlyannounced that during the thirdquarter of 2014, it signed newcontracts and renewals for arecord of 189,700 square meters(2.0 million square feet) ofindustrial space, and 5,300 squaremeters (56,500square feet) ofcommercial/office space.To date, FIBRA Macquarie has259 industrial and 17 office/retailproperties located throughoutMexico.For leasing opportunities visit:http://www.mmreit.com/portfoliooverview/leasingopportunitiesor for furthermarket information about FIBRAMacquarie, please visit www.macquarie.com/mmreit or www.bmv.com.mx.todavía potencial de expansión en el sector.El directivo ve bien las nuevas regulacionesdadas a conocer en 2014 respecto de losniveles de apalancamiento y gobierno corporativo;también resaltó que seguirán consu estrategia de adquisición con un enfoqueprincipal en propiedades estabilizadas y generadorasde ingresos.Lara enfatizó que el sector inmobiliariose está volviendo más profesional y hay unincremento en la competitividad. En cuantoa los clientes, considera que es muy importantetener una buena relación con losarrendatarios así como ofrecer servicios decalidad.With a recent USD $367 million followonequity raise, FIBRA MacquarieMexico (FIBRA Macquarie) will havethe capability to further assess new investmentopportunities. Announced in September, FIBRAMacquarie concluded this follow-on global equityoffering which raised $4.855 billion pesos.The funds raised will be allocated towardsfuture acquisitions (including correspondingtransaction costs and taxes). Depending on itscapacity to obtain funding, FIBRA Macquariewill also be able to obtain loans for acquisitionsand to use resources from the global offer toreduce debt.During an interview with Inmobiliare, JaimeLara, CEO of FIBRA Macquarie, said that “Mexicoas a region is likely to generate even greatergrowth than what we have seen in the last 12to 18 months. Futhermore, we continue to believethat the exporting sector will stay active. Ifthe United States’ economy starts hastening itsgrowth, the industrial sector in Mexico will reapthe benefits, especially the northern region of thecountry, due to its close proximity to the UnitedStates”. This could also have a positive effecton FIBRA Macquarie, which has a portion of itsindustrial portfolio in Mexico’s northern region.Regarding the economy, Lara projects anice growth trajectory. Nearly 50% of thepopulation is 29 years old or younger, andtherefore, according to of our research , a largenumber of the educated next generation are expectedto join the economically active populationin the next 20 years.Lara emphasized that almost 70% of FIBRAMacquarie’s operating income are related tologistics and manufacturing operations, andwith the approved structural reforms there aregrowth opportunities in states located on theGulf of Mexico, such as Veracruz, Campeche,and Tamaulipas. For MMREIT, another opportunityhas been to take advantage of existingindustrial and office space sectors in northerncities, including Mexico City, Guadalajara, Ciu-74www.inmobiliare.com

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