Revue n° 11 - Ministère de l'énergie et des mines

Revue n° 11 - Ministère de l'énergie et des mines

Revue n° 11 - Ministère de l'énergie et des mines


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partenariatPARTENARIATL’Algérie, le Nigeria <strong>et</strong> le Niger signentun accord intergouvernementalpour la réalisation du TSGPL’Algérie, le Nigeria <strong>et</strong> le Niger ont signé àAbuja un accord intergouvernemental relatifà la réalisation du gazoduc Trans-SaharaGaz Pipeline (TSGP) <strong>de</strong>vant relier leNigeria à l’Europe, via l’Algérie <strong>et</strong> le Niger,a-t-on appris auprès du ministère <strong>de</strong>l’Energie <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s Mines.L’accord a été paraphé par le ministre <strong>de</strong>l’Energie <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s Mines, Chakib Khelil, <strong>et</strong> seshomologues nigérians, Rilwanu Luckman,<strong>et</strong> nigérien, Mohamed Ab<strong>de</strong>laye, précise-ton<strong>de</strong> même source. La signature <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>accord exprime une «véritable volonté» <strong>de</strong>strois pays pour la réalisation <strong>de</strong> ce proj<strong>et</strong>dont le mémorandum d’entente a été signéen 2002 entre le Groupe Sonatrach <strong>et</strong> lacompagnie pétrolière nigériane (NNPC).D’un montant <strong>de</strong> plus <strong>de</strong> 10 milliards <strong>de</strong>dollars, le TSGP, long <strong>de</strong> quelque 4 200 km,<strong>de</strong>vrait acheminer 20 à 30 milliards <strong>de</strong> mètrescubes <strong>de</strong> gaz naturel du Nigeria versl’Europe via l’Algérie <strong>et</strong> le Niger à partir <strong>de</strong>2015. Classé comme «proj<strong>et</strong> prioritaire duNepad», le TSGP <strong>de</strong>vrait augmenter l’approvisionnement<strong>de</strong> l’Europe en gaz <strong>et</strong> aussidévelopper les livraisons <strong>de</strong> GNL vers lesPays-Bas. Plusieurs groupes énergétiquesinternationaux ont exprimé leur intérêt pourparticiper au développement <strong>de</strong> ce gigantesqueproj<strong>et</strong> dont le français Total, le russeGazprom <strong>et</strong> l’italien Eni.Publication du Bull<strong>et</strong>in annuel statistique <strong>de</strong> l’OpepLe message du Secrétaire généralWe are pleased to present the 44th edition of the AnnuelStatistical Bull<strong>et</strong>in (ASB), one of OPEC's most establishedpublications. As with previous editions, the 2008 ASBcontains a wi<strong>de</strong> range of statistical data about oil and gasaround the world with a focus on the 13 countries that wereMembers of the Organization in 2008 - Algeria, Angolas,Ecuador, Indonesia, The Islamic Arab Jamahiriya, Nigeria,Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates andVenezuela. Over the years, the ASB has proven to be aninvaluable source of reliable data on the oil industry. Thepublication contains information on the global p<strong>et</strong>roleumindustry; comprehensive data on regional imports an<strong>de</strong>xports; upstream and downstream activities; as well asbasic financial data for major oil companies with explorationand production activities around the world. It also provi<strong>de</strong>srea<strong>de</strong>rs with <strong>de</strong>tailed information and data about the variousoil and gas activities in which OPEC Member Countries areinvolved. This publication is meant to further enhanc<strong>et</strong>ransparency through data sharing amongst all stakehol<strong>de</strong>rsin the oil industry. Such transparency, we believe, is animportant element in ensuring stability in the global oil mark<strong>et</strong>.The 2008 ASB has been prepared over the course ofmany months and with the collaboration and input of manypeople in our Member Countries and at the OPECSecr<strong>et</strong>ariat. I would like to acknowledge their diligence andcommitment which have ma<strong>de</strong> the timely publication of the2008 ASB possible. A. Salem El-Badri, Secr<strong>et</strong>ary GeneralEnergie & Mines96janvier 2010

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