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scarica qui - Dipartimento di Filosofia

scarica qui - Dipartimento di Filosofia


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250 Luigi Campi136 M. J. F. M. Hoenen, Theology and Metaphysics. The Debate between JohnWyclif and John Kenningham on the Principles of Rea<strong>di</strong>ng the Scriptures, inMt. Fumagalli Beonio Brocchieri e S. Simonetta (a cura <strong>di</strong>), John Wyclif:logica, politica e teologia ..., pp. 23‐55; M. Keen, Wyclif, the Bible, andTransubstantiation, in A. Kenny (a cura <strong>di</strong>), Wyclif in his times ..., pp. 1‐16;G. Leff, The Place of Metaphysics in Wyclif’s Theology, in A. Hudson eA. Kenny (a cura <strong>di</strong>), From Ockham to Wyclif ..., pp. 217‐232; S. Simonetta,Libertà del volere e prescienza <strong>di</strong>vina nella teologia filosofica <strong>di</strong> Wyclif ...;G. Zamagni, Per scalam sapientiae: l’ermeneutica metafisica <strong>di</strong> John Wyclif,“Dianoia” 9 (2004), pp. 43‐57.137 Si veda in merito A. D. Conti, Wyclif’s Logic and Metaphysics, in I. C. Levy (acura <strong>di</strong>), A Companion to Wyclif ..., pp. 67‐125: p. 89: Given that God isimmutable, and hence that the <strong>di</strong>vine power is not affected by the passage oftime, and <strong>di</strong>vine ideas, within Wyclif’s system, are as necessary as the<strong>di</strong>vine essence itself, the logical consequence is that, despite Wyclif’s claim tothe contrary, the whole history of the world is determined from eternity. As amatter of fact, Wyclif’s con<strong>di</strong>tional (or relative) necessity is as necessary ashis absolute necessity: given God, the world’s entire history follows. Si tratta<strong>di</strong> una tesi assai interessante, che va presa in attenta considerazione, allacui luce si dovrebbe attribuire un’ulteriore debolezza al penserio giovanile<strong>di</strong> Wyclif, i cui argomenti teologici risulterebbero così sprovvisti deipresupposti garantiti dal ricorso alla necessità ipotetica.

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