Ucwaningo olunzulu ngamagama okuqanjwe ngawo izindawo. TJ Mbuli

Ucwaningo olunzulu ngamagama okuqanjwe ngawo izindawo. TJ Mbuli

Ucwaningo olunzulu ngamagama okuqanjwe ngawo izindawo. TJ Mbuli


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73<br />

ayizihlanganiso namagama ayizibabazo, Kungakho uDoke waqhamuka nezibaya zamagama<br />

eziyisithupha; USobizo , isichasiso , isilandiso , isikhanyiso , isihlanganiso nesibabazo.<br />

Kungekhona ukuthi kwaba uDoke-1..uphela owaba negalelo ekugcineni umIando wegama<br />

kodwa baningi ababanegalelo olimi . Abanye oSoZilimi abangabalwa yiIaba ngaphandle<br />

kukaDoke:<br />

Ueope , van Wyk , van Eerden , uNkabinde<br />

Labo Sozilimi bayavumelana ukuthi ibizo noma igama Iingelinye lemikhando yobungcweti<br />

futhi Iihlanganiswe ngesinwe esikhulu nangobuchule. Indlela oNgoti abalibuka ngalo ibizo<br />

okukanye igama esiZruwini yehlukene.<br />

19ama okukanye ibizo uDoke (1927:20) ulichaza athi :<br />

That sound or group ofsounds which is subject to one main stress and only<br />

one.<br />

Umlando mayelana nokucutshungulwa kwamagama uNgcongwane, (1987:15) urhi :<br />

Since 1834 when the first grammatical study ofan African language in this<br />

country was published and continued for nearly a century up to 1927 when<br />

for the first time after so many years , a new approach to the study of<br />

African was introduced. During the classical period African language studies<br />

remained more or less exclusively in the hands of missionaries for whom<br />

the recording and study of these languages were obviously of paramount<br />

importance.<br />

Eminye imisebenzi enqaIa eyenziwa kwaba yikho ukuhIungwa kwamagama :<br />

An outstanding feature ofAfrican language studies during this period is the<br />

fact that the grammar of these languages was described in terms of<br />

grnmroatical concepts which in most cased were typical ofclassical language<br />

such as Latin and Greek but which were foreign to the African language<br />

whose grammatical structure differ extensively from those of the classical<br />

languages . So for instance were the nouns in these languages described in<br />

terms ofgender despite the fact that gender is not a grammatical feature of<br />

the African languages which have a noun class system instead .Nouns and

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