18.11.2012 Aufrufe

Dokument 1 - RWTH Aachen University

Dokument 1 - RWTH Aachen University

Dokument 1 - RWTH Aachen University


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224 A Telos-Modelle<br />

$ forall ad/AtomicDomain not (ad in ComplexDomain) $;<br />

unionDomain :<br />

$ forall d/Domain (d in AtomicDomain) or (d in ComplexDomain) $<br />

end<br />

Class ComplexDomain in ObjectType isA Domain with<br />

attribute,single,necessary<br />

domainDefinition : String<br />

attribute<br />

containsSyntactically : AtomicDomain<br />

end<br />

Class Assertion in ObjectType isA ConceptualObject with<br />

attribute,single,necessary<br />

equivalence: Boolean<br />

constraint<br />

unionAssertion :<br />

$ forall a/Assertion<br />

(a in DomainAssertion) or (a in ModelAssertion) $;<br />

conceptComponentAssertion :<br />

$ forall a/ModelAssertion l,r/Relationship i/Integer<br />

(exists lc,rc/Relationship!component cdl,cdr/ConceptDomain<br />

( (a left l) and (a right r) and From(lc, l) and To(lc, cdl)<br />

and From(rc, r) and To(rc, cdr) and (lc position i) and<br />

(rc position i) and (cdl in Concept) ==> (cdr in Concept) ) ) $;<br />

domainComponentAssertion :<br />

$ forall a/ModelAssertion l,r/Relationship i/Integer<br />

(exists lc,rc/Relationship!component cdl,cdr/ConceptDomain<br />

((a left l) and (a right r) and From(lc, l) and<br />

To(lc, cdl) and From(rc, r) and To(rc, cdr) and (lc position i)<br />

and (rc position i) and (cdl in Domain) ==> (cdr in Domain))) $<br />

end<br />

Class DomainAssertion in ObjectType isA Assertion with<br />

attribute,single,necessary<br />

left : Domain;<br />

right : Domain<br />

end<br />

Class ModelAssertion in ObjectType isA Assertion with<br />

attribute,single,necessary<br />

left : ConceptRelationship;<br />

right : ConceptRelationship<br />

constraint<br />

conceptAssertion:<br />

$ forall a/ModelAssertion l,r/ConceptRelationship (a left l) and<br />

(a right r) and (l in Concept) ==> (r in Concept) $;<br />

relationshipAssertion:<br />

$ forall a/ModelAssertion l,r/ConceptRelationship (a left l) and<br />

(a right r) and (l in Relationship)==>(r in Relationship) $;<br />

relationshipArityAssertion:<br />

$ forall a/ModelAssertion l,r/Relationship (exists i/Integer<br />

((a left l) and (a right r) and (l arity i) ==> (r arity i))) $;<br />

unionModelAssertion:<br />

$ forall a/ModelAssertion<br />

(a in InterModelAssertion) or (a in IntraModelAssertion) $<br />

end<br />

Class IntraModelAssertion in ObjectType isA ModelAssertion with<br />

constraint<br />

intraModel:<br />

$ forall a/IntraModelAssertion l,r/ConceptRelationship m/Model<br />

(a left l) and (a right r) and (l refersTo m) ==> (r refersTo m) $<br />


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