18.11.2012 Aufrufe

Dokument 1 - RWTH Aachen University

Dokument 1 - RWTH Aachen University

Dokument 1 - RWTH Aachen University


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228 A Telos-Modelle<br />

attribute, necessary<br />

mergingPart : RewrittenConjunctiveQuery<br />

attribute, single<br />

suchThatPart : RewrittenConjunctiveQuery<br />

attribute,single, necessary<br />

intoPart : RewrittenConjunctiveQuery<br />

constraint<br />

onlyCorrespondence_for_suchThatPart :<br />

$ forall m/MergingClause r/RewrittenConjunctiveQuery c/Conjunct<br />

(m suchThatPart r) and (r containsSyntactically c) ==><br />

(c in Correspondence) $;<br />

onlyRelation_for_intoPart :<br />

$ forall m/MergingClause r/RewrittenConjunctiveQuery c/Conjunct<br />

(m intoPart r) and (r containsSyntactically c)==>(c in Relation)$<br />

end<br />

A.1.7 Erweiterung für konzeptuelle Modelle multidimensionaler Strukturen<br />

Class Aggregation in ObjectType isA Concept with<br />

attribute refines : Aggregation;<br />

aggregatedBy : DimensionLevel;<br />

aggregatedAttributes: DerivedAttribute<br />

attribute,single,necessary<br />

aggregates : Concept<br />

constraint<br />

eitherOr:<br />

$ forall a/Aggregation d/DimensionLevel der/DerivedAttribute<br />

R1,R2/Relationship<br />

((a aggregatedBy d) and (a aggregatedAttributes der) and<br />

(d accordingTo R1) and (der attributeName R2))<br />

==> (not IDENTICAL(R1,R2)) $;<br />

atMostOnePerRelation:<br />

$ forall a/Aggregation d1,d2/DimensionLevel R1,R2/Relationship<br />

((a aggregatedBy d1) and (a aggregatedBy d2) and<br />

(d1 accordingTo R1) and (d2 accordingTo R2) and<br />

(not IDENTICAL(d1,d2))) ==> not (IDENTICAL(R1,R2))$<br />

end<br />

Class DimensionLevel in ObjectType isA ConceptualObject with<br />

attribute,single, necessary<br />

within : Level;<br />

accordingTo : DimensionAttribute<br />

end<br />

Class Level in ObjectType isA Concept end<br />

Class DimensionAttribute in ObjectType isA Relationship end<br />

Class DerivedAttribute in ObjectType isA ConceptualObject with<br />

attribute,single, necessary<br />

attributeName : Relationship;<br />

aggFunction : AggregationFunction<br />

end<br />

Class AggregationFunction in ObjectType isA ConceptualObject with<br />

attribute, single, necessary<br />

monotone : Boolean;<br />

additive : Boolean

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