18.11.2012 Aufrufe

Dokument 1 - RWTH Aachen University

Dokument 1 - RWTH Aachen University

Dokument 1 - RWTH Aachen University


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226 A Telos-Modelle<br />

end<br />

object : Integer<br />

Class Query in ObjectType with<br />

constraint<br />

unionQuery :<br />

$ forall q/Query<br />

(q in ConjunctiveQuery) or (q in DisjunctiveQuery) $;<br />

xorQuery :<br />

$ forall q/ConjunctiveQuery not (q in DisjunctiveQuery) $<br />

end<br />

Class ConjunctiveQuery in ObjectType isA Query with<br />

attribute,single,necessary<br />

body : String<br />

attribute<br />

containsSyntactically : Conjunct<br />

end<br />

Class DisjunctiveQuery in ObjectType isA Query with<br />

attribute,necessary<br />

disjunct : ConjunctiveQuery<br />

end<br />

Class RewrittenQuery in ObjectType isA Query with<br />

constraint<br />

unionRewrittenQuery :<br />

$ forall q/RewrittenQuery (q in RewrittenConjunctiveQuery) or<br />

(q in RewrittenDisjunctiveQuery) $;<br />

xorRewrittenQuery :<br />

$ forall q/RewrittenConjunctiveQuery<br />

not (q in RewrittenDisjunctiveQuery) $<br />

end<br />

Class RewrittenConjunctiveQuery in ObjectType<br />

isA ConjunctiveQuery,RewrittenQuery with<br />

constraint<br />

onlyRelation&Correspondence :<br />

$ forall r/RewrittenConjunctiveQuery c/Conjunct<br />

(r containsSyntactically c) ==><br />

(c in Relation) or (c in Correspondence) $<br />

end<br />

Class RewrittenDisjunctiveQuery in ObjectType<br />

isA DisjunctiveQuery,RewrittenQuery with<br />

constraint<br />

onlyRewrittenConjunctiveQuery:<br />

$ forall r/RewrittenDisjunctiveQuery c/ConjunctiveQuery<br />

(r disjunct c) ==> (c in RewrittenConjunctiveQuery) $<br />

end<br />

Class Conjunct in ObjectType isA LogicalObject with<br />

constraint<br />

unionConjunct :<br />

$ forall c/Conjunct (c in Relation) or (c in ConceptRelationship)<br />

or (c in Attrib_name) or (c in Correspondence) or (c in Domain) $;<br />

xorConjunct1 :<br />

$ forall c/Relation not (c in ConceptRelationship) and<br />

not (c in Attrib_name) and not (c in Correspondence)<br />

and not (c in Domain) $;<br />

xorConjunct2 :<br />

$ forall c/ConceptRelationship not(c in Attrib_name) and<br />

not (c in Correspondence) and not (c in Domain) $;<br />

xorConjunct3 :

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